UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

Great way to welcome in Friday… was just thinking that we are just that little bit closer to pre-season and boom!

The borrowing isn’t really an issue. Most of it is fixed on low interest rates during a period of high inflation so that as a share of government revenues it will fall fairly quickly. If anything the UK Government really should be looking at spending more to bring services up to the levels needed.

The process would be for the Conservatives to select a new leader & PM. I have no problem with that as it is the established process other than the likely candidates are all terrible. Hopefully there would be one ‘non continuity’ candidate who could provide competent leadership and an agenda for the government to follow rather than hollow sounbites while it lurches from one self made crisis to another.

If somehow Starmer formed a government (it would presumably require a General Election) I would have no problem with that, I think he would do well unshackled from the contraints he is under as leader of the opposition.)


On the basis that he isn’t a lying, philandering, corrupt, elitist, anti-democratic, self-serving shitstain of a man, I’d rather have Starmer over Johnson. And that’s without even considering the policies of either.

Starmer isn’t perfect, and I don’t agree with him on everything. But he is immeasurably better than Johnson on every metric.

The real problem though is the system. It’s broken. Our political system needs urgent repair, otherwise I can only see us backsliding into an authoritarian quasi-feudal state.


Oh, and by the way the story broke yesterday that the only reason FO officials managed to stop Carrie Johnson being installed in a six figure chief of staff job working for Johnson, is because they found our she was his (then) mistress, and the reason they found that out was because she was caught giving him a blow job on his office sofa.

This story was going to be published in the Times, but editorial staff were leaned on to remove it - for fear of embarrassing the PM

Political careers - rightly or wrongly - have fallen due to less in the past. What the fuck has happened to this country?

I bet if that was a Labour MP or actually any MP perceived as a threat to the government they’d be all over it.

Anyone who can still think that our press and certain political parties aren’t in bed together in a mutual back scratching relationship need to give their head a wobble.

This country is fucked.


Goes back to what @Kopstar says about criminality in the halls of Westminster I guess…

Fucking hell. You’ve got to feel sorry for the poor person that saw that.

No amount of bleach could ever wash that image out of your mind


James O’Brien covered this story the other day. A woman called in to say how her son was suspended from school after being accused of having sex in the toilets by his ex-girlfriend - no witnesses or evidence just hearsay. We held that 16 year old to a higher standard than we do the Prime Minister.

Lots of people saying things like “Who cares who he has sex with?” but it’s not only disgusting, misconduct in public office, bribery and cheating on his wife (who he would continue to cheat on with Carrie after she was diagnosed with cancer and going through chemotherapy) but it’s quite literally a security risk and probably part of the reason he didn’t get full clearance when he was Foreign Minister.

Someone serving in an intelligence capacity in the armed forces is not allowed to have affairs, they’ll lose their job, because of the security risk. Apparently the man who was directing the activity of the Foreign Office though can pretty openly have a mistress. :see_no_evil:


Just think of the scandal that surrounded John Profumo and his indiscretion was a fraction of what Johnson has got up to.

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This post requires a trigger warning.

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Warning: This post contains literature pertaining to the physical, rather than more typically figurative, fellating of a Johnson’s johnson by an unfortunate bint with a Worzel Gummidge fixation.

Would that be sufficient for you @SBYM ? Surely it’s good to branch out from your your usual road bike porn. (Apparently volume 2 is due out soon - and you wouldn’t believe what they have how creative they’ve gotten with the carbon fibre!)

That’s twice in one day I’ve had to picture his dick, which I imagine looks like Peppa Pig’s tail.

I need a lie down.

Just imagine if he starred in Mankini Wars.

Bunch of chancers aren’t these Tories, they’ll try and get away with murder until they can’t. Should have been suspended the minute this all came to light!

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Sacked more like. His feet shouldn’t have touched the ground.

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That’s what happen to my last boss!
Didn’t touch anyone but made inappropriate advances.

Why is it a surprise they can’t manage an economy. They can’t manage their own fucking dicks.