UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

It needs saying again. There are 56 MPs current facing allegations of sexual misconduct. Fifty six. A number so big, the videprinter has to put it in words as well as digits (one for the kids)

That is absolutely staggering, and suggests a deep underlying issue, rather than a few bad apples, as we’re expected to believe.


They’ve rotted the barrel.

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This is a dreadful miscarriage of justice:

‘Mr Justice Goose’ - FFS. Apparently this goose has previous form including halting a jury trial for murder because ‘I have come to the conclusion that the evidence is not sufficiently strong to allow you to reach a proper verdict in relation to the defendant causing it by killing her.’

It’s also the second time he has been caught trying to give his mistresses public funds or favours.

Car Crash Explosion GIF

car crash GIF

Double GIF for this one given the little pink toy car is sooooooo gooood.


Rumours on social media that Starmer’s been fined for the Durham beer and curry.

Labour will need to find a new leader … and Boris remains PM … :rofl:

Fined for having a beer and a curry?

he’s man of the people,

he gets my vote!

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We’re fucking lost, we really are.

Apparently based off nothing but the innuendo from people wanting to divert from the Pincher scandal.


6 new allgations against Pincher. The cesspit that is Wesminister really does need to be drained and cleared out of the ogres.

Hang the fucking lot of them I say


Small story that will disappear in the more of everything else but is anyone really surprised if Johnson’s 40 hospitals is officially bullshit?



No surprise at all

So if Starmer resigns how can Johnson justify his position?

Because he has more important things to do. Actual real life stuff, wars, economy, building hospitals, getting BJs, etc, vs leader of the opposition…


Good effort. I was kind of wondering how he’d spin it.

The most harrowing part is over a decade.

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Why weren’t there complaints?

Have you really paid no attention to anything said by victims in cases such as the Weinstein or Spacey or other #metoo incidents over the last five years?

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How the fuck does this predator come anywhere near the gov…forgot, it’s the bloody Tories