UK Politics Thread (Part 2)


There is no evidence that other parties would act in the same reprehensible manner.


Iā€™m not moving the goalposts, Iā€™m pointing out that everybody is influenced by conversations they have and opinions to which they are exposed. You might disagree but then Iā€™d ask how you can read and respond to this thread with-ought social interaction? The idea of being isolated from the world in the face of your job is bonkers.

No, no, noā€¦as @Mascot and I have chewed over previously, the magic beans analogy is a shit one if trying to suggest someone is thick as pig shit. Jack was absolutely right to have swapped the fucking cow for the magic beans! Totally vindicated.

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I was going to say similar.

They were more than happy to support him through a disaster of Brexit, then the Covid disaster, then his lies on partygate but now this is all of a sudden too far??


Alcohol Memory GIF by funk

Jabba. your time is done. Fuck off.

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I had the same thought. Sheā€™s had to let that fat, sweaty bastard have a go on her, and now she doesnā€™t get to live in the posh flat and swan around pretending to be the First Lady?

Sheā€™s off at the first opportunity.

Iā€™m not sure Jack had some clever plan in mind when he went for the magic beans. He seemed to get lucky to me.

33% of Conservative voters still think heā€™s doing a good job? :astonished:

Some major trolling going on or theyā€™re nut jobs.

Makes sense. Throughout Trumpsā€™s presidency there was always around 35% of Republicans that backed him foreeverything no matter what - Proud Boys, modern day KKK etc. Iā€™m not surprised that there is a similar amount in the UK.



No, but the fact that BJ was only recently polling higher than Starmer shows what a terrible job the opposition are doing. So stick with my statement about the whole establishment


Or what a wonderful job, from the Conservativesā€™ perspective, the right wing media are doing.


Yes that too, though I think their job was done when they destroyed Corbyn. Canā€™t see there being any possibility of a left or centre-left government (or opposition) for another generation

Or theyā€™re thinking about the alternative candidates and concluding that theyā€™re all shit choices. Johnson is talismanic to a certain perverse degree and thereā€™s no doubt that some people are attracted to that.

The bottom line is though that decorum and integrity needs to be urgently restored to Westminster and the office of PM in particular. There are currently zero within the upper echelons of the Conservative party that qualify for that task.


Whatā€™s needed is another election. Scandal after scandal has plagued the entire government. (its not just the PM)

From nepotism, conflicts of interests, breaking own rules, watching porn at work, affairs, lies and abuse of power and more. This whole government is sullied.

It came from the top, but the government is rotten to its core. Would not be surprised if Johnson again survives, and his government is engulfed in another scandal in a few weeksā€™ time.


The problem with politics is that we are commonly promised things which donā€™t materialise, for what ever reason.
I genuinely believe in most cases the intent is there, but delivering them is a completely different ball game.
If i am being honest, the whole world is going through a situation which is very rarely seen and I donā€™t think any government would be seen favourable by the public because there are so many people to please.
In the past I have accepted Johnson because there is no alternative - i grimace saying that. Unfortunately, and this is the most upsetting part, is that I still donā€™t believe there is anyone else that stands out as PM material.
I actually think Sunakā€™s resignation is tactical, in that he is taking his chance to promote his own agenda on the back of the current ā€˜anti boris mediaā€™, I wouldnā€™t be surprised if he is the next leader. He comes across well in my opinion.

Labour - I quite like Jess Phillips, from my own constituency - South Yardley, Birmingham. Apart from that, I really cannot see a leader. I definitely do not see Starmer as an improvement on our current Prime minister, which is sad as it actually highlights the lack of direction from any of the main parties. :+1:t2:

Hahahaā€¦that bloke was so lucky heā€™d fall into a barrel of dicks and come up sucking a nipple.

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