UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

My opinion - A plague on all their houses still holds true for me.

It is worth noting though that within any occupational collection of say 500 people you are practically bound to get - rapists, thieves, narcissists, perverts, bullies, gamblers, saints and sinners, and so on.

This would be true of Footballers, Carpenters, Musicians, Dustmen, Lawyers, Nurses, Teachers, Vicars, Astronauts, etc etc.

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Why? How could he possibly be as bad?


Well, no. The reality is that you are several times more likely to have committed a crime if you’re a politician than in practically any other walk of life.


Nut jobs basically.

But what a sad place to be. No decent options on that side of the house. I look at the other side and I do see options, far stronger, more solid options but they aren’t given any traction by a twisted press.

In some sense those MP’s are on a hiding to nothing. Their image as people will be destroyed by our screwed up press.


Like when he and his wife were caught faking non-Dom status to avoid paying tax?

This is the problem with public discourse. Starmer is a bit bland and uninspiring.

But suggesting he isn’t an improvement on Johnson is absolutely absurd. Johnson is a man plagued by scandal after scandal. He is corrupt, pathologically self-serving, incapable of honestly and decency, and has done incalculable damage to the country.

I mean, how bad does it have to get?


Very interesting - could you point me in the direction of the stats.


If, in an organisation of 650 people, 56 were under investigation for sexual offences, it would be exceptional and cause for urgent action.

There is an endemic problem within parliament that needs to be tackled systemically. 1 in 10 isn’t a few bad apples. It’s a cultural issue that should be deeply concerning.


Agree absolutely

Will comment further when I see the stats showing that politicians are more likely to be criminals.



I get this is a discussion and all the lot of us are doing is making subjective points, but I really cannot see how this point can be disputed.

If you’re gonna go down that path, be honest and say you don’t like KS’ politics…this ‘he’d be no better than Boris’ shite is the most disingenuous dribble I have ever seen.


Wouldn’t the fact that any of those who supported the illegal invasion of Iraq make them all guilty of war crimes ?

Then any action we take on sovereign nations also should classify them as war criminals imo, for example when Theresa May ordered a strike against a suspected chemical weapons factory a few years ago should be classified as a war criminal ( despite the fact her husband made around £100k from it )…even though the UN weapons inspectors visited the site months prior and gave it the all clear.

That is how it should be.

Unfortunately it never seems to work that way.
Thatcher - one of the world’s biggest war criminals did not get prosecuted - she got a statue instead.

Same as it ever was.

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Yup agree, and the one who is even worse got a knighthood, earns millions giving bullshit advice , earned millions advising Kazakhstan portraying protesters as terrorists and happens to be Rupert Murdoch’s daughters godfather …and Kier Starmer says Blair deserves his knighthood.

All of them are in the pocket of the Davos crowd and really are as bad as each other, is Starmer better than Johnson? As it is now of course, but give it time and he will turn out to be just as easily controlled as Blair was with the likes of Murdoch and co .

It’s the Marmite argument. How the hell people are so divided on this yummy goodness is beyond me. They’re all heathens.

Trouble is I find is that you and mascot are anti Tory at anything , the Tories could have the greatest leader of the modern age in almost any aspect , but given the fact they are Tories you both have a hatred for anything conservative regardless .


That is because it is utter shite and rubbish.

Vegemite on the other hand…

They’re not alone

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The fact that the tories represent the ruling class and are against policies which help the weakest and most vulnerable in society makes it impossible to support them whoever their leader might be.
There are multiple problems with the Labour party, and their leaders have also been largely bad in one way or another, but their core beliefs are based around aiding the poorer and less powerful among us.

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That’s quite the distortion.

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Who are you referring to?

Me? Yeah pretty much, but that is based on Thatcher being Thatcher, Cameron being a pork fucking thief and Johnson being a proper Johnson.

But I enjoy listening to the words of sensible Tories like Rory Stewart. I honestly can’t think of any others, not a single one that is still in the public eye these days. In addition I’m not a Labour voter and believe we’d all be better off if Jedi oversaw society.

I shall need to remind myself on this stuff. Moving back from Oz many moons ago the memory has faded.

But having just checked the price is stupid vs Marmite. Clearly the first Brexit benefit.