UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

100% yes. Some of us believe that the Tories are basically laying the foundations for making life in opposition as easy as possible. Basically setting up a shit show to manage that will be full of pitfalls along the way with an electorate that’s been fed on a diet of it being someone else’s fault. Like GP’s for the state of the NHS, lawyers for immigration, unions for problems in rail, nursing, whatever else etc.

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That’s the sum of it for me. We’ve already got a looming demographic problem which future generations are going to suffer from. There won’t be enough working age people to support those in retirement. As usual, it’s the selfish bastards enjoying a wonderful retirement right now that are so intent on making sure no-one else can.

We need immigration to keep our public services going now, and that’s going to get worse in the future. People need to start putting their bigotry to one side and see this a resourcing problem.


Labour are already managing expectations in this regard. And they are right to. It’s going to take years to sort this mess, if it’s even sortable. And that’s not just the admin. It’s a national mood that’s become divisive and mean-spirited.

Our friend here is saying he is going to slagging them off from ‘day one’ (with no sense of self-awareness) and that’s what they are up against.


There will never be a shortage of refugees/economic migrants. UK/Europe is a dumping ground as is. Some will have valuable skills and cultural value however there’s also a large burden of cost overall. There’s also social cohesion. UK neglecting its own future is all a bit naive.

There’s a line in the sand somewhere and some would suggest the levels and trajectory towards is preposterous as is.

Work until you die you lazy peasants!!!

In many areas, life expectancy is well below the age of retirement.

So how does one go about getting a job as an mp?

Asking for a mate

I believe the numbers show that overall, refugees are a massive net benefit compared to the costs, especially financial.

Oddly enough, the only people who have probllems with that tend to be racist…?

“Some would suggest”? The levels and trajectory towards what, precisely? The genesis of this whole debate was a chart that ostensibly showed that the UK does not even come close to the number of refugees taken in compared to most other countries.


You’re not trying to conflate the two are you?


… as the moat didn’t work! :rofl:

This tide will eventually turn though which is why I believe all this retirment stuff is nonsense. Whilst it last borrow money like governments have done since they began and others did before. No way should media outlets be trying to make a meal out of this and governments should just garantee what they are supposed to!

I live on the Wirral which is in the 62.5 Years section. Well, I’ve had a decent run. I’ll be saying “Bye Bye” to you on 16th January. :cry::nerd_face:



Lots of tarring with the same brush going on in here.
Pretty nauseating tbh

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Do please have the decency to tag me in when discussing me.

Day 1, no self awareness whatsoever. Can’t wait, pass the popcorn.

How so? Please elaborate.

The assumption that everyone who doesn’t agree that more migrants should be allowed to keep entering the UK is a racist.


I don’t think anyone has said that directly. What they are saying is that people, if they want to come here, should do so legally and be welcome.

We must remember there’s plenty of people leaving the UK as well.

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Erm, ok

Maybe those people just sincerely believe the UK should be in the uniquely privileged position of taking even fewer people than it presently does, whilst at the same time presuming all the important jobs the ‘natives’ don’t want to do will happen by magic? I’m not sure on what basis they think that though?