UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

Twitter delivering tonight.

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He was (deep breath) the Chancellor. Of the. Exchequer

I don’t give a fuck what other people are doing. His responsibility is the nation’s finances. He was pretending he and his wife lived in different countries to avoid paying tax.

He shouldn’t be taking advantage of loopholes. He should be closing them.

If you can’t see why Sunak’s tax affairs are a problem, there is no hope. I mean, what the fuck has happened to us?

There is a lot in this, and Starmer is hardly getting a 10/10 from me. He should be doing better to land blows, and articulate a vision.

The two problems are that every time Labour propose a policy, the Tories nick it. And the media still, or at least until recently, have refused to actually doing their job holding the Government to account. Opposite can only really be effective if the is a carrier for their message.

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Not BJ related but an interesting watch maybe for another day.


Are you serious? Johnson is a worse PM than Thatcher?

Here is a quick stroll through the highlights of the Thatcher years -

The Miner’s strike. The state politicisation of the Police Force. De-nationalisation of the Railways. Privatisation of the (our) utility companies. Overt Euroscepticism. The Poll Tax. Mass Unemployment. Her “There is no such thing as society” policy. Sanctioned and overt racism. Her opposition to Nelson “that grubby little terrorist” Mandella. Selling off school playing fields to private developers. Selling public housing to cherry-picked Tory-leaning residents to manipulate the make-up of constituencies. Deregulation of the Banks and The City of London (Loadsamoney). The beginnings of privatisation of the NHS. Care in the Community for mental health patients. The Hillsborough Cover-Up

Maybe that is not enough - here are just a few of her illustrious trusted advisors and cabinet ministers -

Jonathan Aitkin. Jeffrey Archer. Cecil Parkinson. Neil Mellor. Should I continue?

But lets put all the above aside - we can forgive her for all of that can’t we? Lets look at her esteemed friends on the world stage - Leaders she either supported financially or militarily.

General Pinochet
Sadaam Hussein
Pol Pot
Ronald Reagan.

And just to pop a cherry on the cake - here is someone that she counted as a close friend, spent the holidays with, and tirelessly campaigned to get him a knighthood -

Jimmy Saville

Boris is an odious sniveling, self-serving little creep - but compared to this poisonous bitch he is a rank amateur. Her “vision” was to destroy the British working class, divide society, and support any tin pot dictator on the world stage that shared her racist ethos.

It is the poison that she injected into the veins of Britain that allows Johnson to prosper. She was the architect. We are reaping what she sowed.

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You make a very strong case for Thatcher who was dreadful on so many levels. The counter point about Johnson is that he has eroded standards and trust to such an extent that the entire institutions of democracy are poisoned. That and Brexit which will have as long standing and harsh impact upon so many people as Thatcher’s appalling policies you’ve listed above. A pox on them both.


Okay, so irrespective of him and his wife “taking advantage of loop holes” which IS NOT ILLEGAL where has he under performed/could of done better? Is he the only member of parliament who has used decent accountants to reduce their tax exposure?

I am not trying to dismiss your point of view or argue against you, I am raising questions because I am genuinely interested in your and others point of view. But as of yet, apart from from focusing on his ‘alleged’ offences you gave not provided any other substance.

Please let me make this clear. I have stated in one of my previous posts I am not aligned to a party and so I try to be reflective in my comments/questions, I am at no point saying anyone else’s point of view is wrong. Politics/the world is very depressing right now, my point is, is that I don’t feel there is a personality out there right now who can provide leadership and that is frightening.

Regarding your reference to Cons. nicking Labour policies can you elaborate? I am not denying what you say, merely intrigued to understand further :+1:t2:.

It comes down to ethics. (I think I am right in saying there is an ongoing ethics inquiry).

By claiming Non-Dom status, you are stating the UK is not your permanent home. Being a non-dom is perfectly legal but I think its fair to say its questionable to say his wife is a non-dom. By most measures of common sense the UK is her permanent home. After over a decade of living in the UK, 2 British kids, and a partner wanting to be the PM. But on tax forms you are saying you are not committed to living in the UK in future, its a bit on the nose. When Sunak himself has the unusual situation of holding a green card questions of commitment are only going to be raised.

When you then add onto this his father in-laws company (which his wife has shares in) has also recently benefited from government contracts (Infosys). With the tax his wife avoided from this company (in region of 5M last year). There is the stink of corruption, questionable ethics, and exploitation of the rules.

As he is married his tax affairs are linked to his wife. His conflict of interests are also linked to his wife.

I have worked for companies where I can not buy a sandwich for a government employee as it could be perceived as bribery. If I did not fully declare interests in other companies through friend and family I would be sacked.

There might not be enough to say he or his wife have acted illegally. But the spirit of the law, or basic rules of what is expected what is seen as being trustworthy, and respectable are long way from what would be expected.


This comment spiked my interest - Just which occupations have a higher amount of criminals in them? I did some research on Google and could find very little information regarding studies relating to crime and occupation.

I did find out that the occupation in which you are most likely to be murdered or suffer a violent crime is a taxi driver.

The occupations with the most serial killers are -

  • Police/security official.
  • Military personnel.
  • Religious official.

The top eight careers having the highest ratio of psychopaths are -

  • CEO.
  • Lawyer.
  • Media (TV/radio)
  • Salesperson.
  • Surgeon.
  • Journalist.
  • Police officer.
  • Clergy.

I could find nothing about politicians being more likely to have committed a crime. That kind of makes sense as certainly in Western countries they are rigorously vetted.

Perhaps I am missing the humour in the comment above (completely possible) or perhaps someone else can show me the stats relating to politicians?

*The above lists are based upon American studies.

What’s the difference between Minister and Secretary. Are PPS same as MP.