UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

Brandon Lewis gone.

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They’re all Tory cunts.

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But srsly…

Good glossary here…

Fixed for accuracy

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I think @Mascot’s point is that Thatcher was evil but knew exactly what she was doing. She could run a government despite deliberately and utterly destroying the working class.

Boris on the other hand is utterly incompetent, he has zero clue, is not interested and exists for the job title only but has still managed to widen the poverty gap through the policy ideas if others. He has zero vision.


Happy about that. Complete nut job that we get over here. The guy that thinks that one person groping people is to be expected in large workplace, while also conveniently forgetting the other 50+ people being investigated for similar.

Personally I think Blair was the worse out of them all, the illegal war being the worse part for obvious reasons, but the total lack of awareness of him doing anything wrong and still thinking he is some sort of relevance even now, goes to show his narcissistic belief in himself has not changed, evil man beyond compare imo.


Secretary is the senior Minister of a government Department and will usually have a seat in the PM’s cabinet.

A PPS is an MP who assists the minister in Parliament with the backbenchers (MPs without other responsibilities)… They dont get paid for it (other than their MP salary) but it’s good for their C.V.


I disagree with that. Not to belittle the huge black mark that is Iraq, he and Brown were quite a formidable team that did a lot of good stuff. Investment in the NHS was higher at that time for example. He did also accelerate the privatisation programme which I’m against but the additional investment was better than anything since.

How Cameron gets a free pass is beyond me. There was a proper crook if ever there was one. Johnson only ever became a relevance after what he did.


Could you expand on what Cameron did exactly ? I think I know what you mean, but the part of Boris becoming a relevance after what he did probably needs a bit more context …sorry early start this morning and trying to catch up with the resignations​:joy::joy::joy:

Cameron recklessly gambled the future of the country to solve a problem within his own party, made a total pigs ear of the campaign to remain in the EU, and lost.


So that makes Johnson worse does it?

Google ‘Cameron and Greenshill’

Then there’s this little thing called Brexit.


Evil competence v Incompetent buffoonery. Think I’m with @BigJon here

Brexit for starters but the big one for me is the whole austerity policy that ripped the country to shreds and did nothing to address the UK’s debt situation. It got worse! So where did the money go?

Those austerity policies basically created the massive divides that eventually culminated in Brexit being what it was.


I think it does but I can see your perspective. Imagine another 2 years of Johnson. How fucked would the UK be? He already has blood on his hands from Covid.

I hope he stays. He’s got a huge mandate, he’s singlehandedly stood up to the Russians, he’s sorted out Brexit, he’s brilliantly dealt with covid and done lots of other great stuff, all while being relentlessly attacked by the lefty press and the marxists at the BBC.
He’s a loveable roguish charmer who can quote stuff in latin. Exactly what the country needs right now. Maybe he tells the odd porkie, but what self respecting politician doesn’t? He only wants what’s best for Britain.
All these cowardly tories who are resigning are lily livered traitors and limp wristed liberal nobodies.
Hurrah for Boris!

He’s the UK version of Trump. The only difference between them is the nature of American and British Elitism.

But Cameron gave us the referendum that Tony Blair promised and basically lied on giving the people.

But does Blair get a free pass on his role in the referendum because he basically promised it and then ignored it?

Yeah just reaffirms my belief he’s a twat, disgusting state our political system is in.