UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

But why? You’re focusing on the gender of the victim here, when it may simply have just been the opportunity. There’s not necessarily the sexual dynamic so much as the power dynamic going on here.

Unless you’re going to tell me that gay men or lesbian women who have had children in a heterosexual relationship cannot be homosexual?

See my reply to @Derecho. I’ve said scraping was the wrong word to use.

It’s more that rare cases like this are used to frame the debate around transgender rights.

Regarding to authenticity of his gender, I don’t know. I know it’s unfashionable these days, but I’d rather leave it the experts to work this one out. It’s a horrible one to work out. I can see how someone facing a stretch inside for rape might suddenly find it expedient to identify as a women. On the other hand I can also see that someone wrestling with their gender identity isn’t an impediment to them raping someone, and might even be a contributing reason for their crimes.

Other than my instinct being that this person clearly shouldn’t be in a female prison, I’d rather stay out of commenting on this case. My reflection is that it shouldn’t be used as any kind of case study pertaining to trans rights in general.

This :+1:

That’s a fair point, and it’s more that I don’t know, to be honest. See my reply to @Dane above.

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But, then again, and disagreeing with my own instinct, the point made by @redalways is hard to argue with.

If the was a man who been convicted of raping men, we’d send them to a male prison. There would be no debate and no gnashing of teeth. There would be no thought given to the possibility of him committing further rapes in prison.

I’ve seen Shawshank.

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I’ll be honest, I find this whole trans debate difficult. I mean genuinely difficult, there are plenty of issues that seem to have no easy, perfect solution. I also don’t happen to really know any trans people, so it’s a bit theoretical to me.
One thing I’ll say though is that some of the debate do remind me of debates that were had not too long ago about gay people. I’m old enough to remember when it was a thing to regularly bring up pedophilia and the raping of boys/men in order to discredit or even criminalise particularly male homosexuality, ‘would you want a gay guy in the boys/men’s locker room?’ , ‘it’s against nature/biology or whatever god’ etc. Still a thing in many cultures.


Haven’t seen anything close to gnashing of teeth here, no-one’s getting their knickers in a twist, and no-one has suggested that this isolated case should be a benchmark for all other transgender issues.

You’re a difficult one to work out, kind of a cross between a Robin Hood and a Clark Kent.
Any time a debate around any minority comes up, I almost picture you rushing to the nearest phone box to get changed.

You said you’d rather stay out of commenting on this case, but not before chucking out the usual generic bigotry and prejudice remarks. You’re clever enough to not actually aim those remarks at individuals, more of a blanket “You don’t agree with my stance on this, you are therefore bigoted and prejudiced”

I’ve explained, at length, why I think the transgender debate is full of bigotry and prejudice. I’m hardly chucking those remarks out without thinking.

If you’d like to explain why you think I’m wrong to see this prejudice, I’d be interested to see that. I’m not really that interested in you just attacking me personally, like you have here.

I’m not attacking you personally, just commenting in a kinda light hearted way about your patterns of behaviour.
I can only comment on content of discussions in here, but I’ve not seen anyone displaying any bigotry or prejudice against trans people in their comments.
Does that fact I’m not seeing the bigotry you mention make me a bigot too?

If I want to stick my dick into somebody, I must like my dick. It’s very simple.

If you come back with “yes you are” it’s a shit retort and you know it.

A little while ago you raised the issue of a transgender person sharing a changing room with your daughter as something to be concerned about. This kind of thing I think is rooted in prejudice for the following reasons.

  • a transgender woman is not a man in a dress. They are female. They are a woman, using the female changies.

  • there is always a risk of women being attacked in female only spaces. It happens all the time. That’s not transgender peoples fault, and it is not fair to deny them their rights for the transgressions of men. The notion that someone willing to transgress the law by sexually assaulting someone would respect the boundaries of a female only space is just silly.

  • finally, there is such an endemic issue of male sexual assault in women that choosing to give a shit when it comes to trans people is patently absurd. We ignore women’s right to feel safe from assault so routinely and casually in society, most women don’t even bother reporting rapes.

Nobody likes to think that they might be prejudiced, and too many people think that, as long as the are not expressing hatred towards a group of people, they are beyond reproach (an extension of the ‘some of best friends are…fallacy).

I think most people are sound, decent people. I also think everyone is prejudiced to some degree. Including you, and including me. Our brains are still running caveman software, so of course we are. The question is what we try and do about that? I think we should try and educate ourselves and not allow that base instinct to frame our thoughts and deeds. And some people just get cross and indignant at the suggestion there is a problem.

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Everything we understand about gender tells us it isn’t simple. But you don’t really care about trivial things like evidence and facts. You just want to dispense your ‘common sense’ wisdom from the perspective of someone who sees the world in black and white terms.

You’re doing the usual. If person A wants to stick body part B into person C against their will, even you can agree that they have rather a fondness for body part B. Or not? Easy question.

I don’t know what more you want me to say. It’s not as simple as that. It is not an easy question.

You are trying to reduce a complex, psychological issue to make it fit your glib, binary understanding of the world.

No, I can’t be arsed to argue with you anymore, for the reasons I’ve talked about above.

I’m not convinced you’re doing anything else apart from just trolling.

For those who are interested in the debate though, the many people who have transitioned after having had children in the gender they were assigned at birth should suggest that the sentiment in the post should not be taken as anything than the usual “but I’m like that so the world is like that” arguments.

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It’s not complicated at all. A male rapists penetrates a woman against her will and you want to talk nuance and the difficulty of the situation? Shoot the bastard. But you find as many reasons as you can to make it complicated.

Trolling? After about 12 years here? Yeah, I live under a bridge and keenly await the arrival of goats.

Seeing the emperor’s new clothes for what they are is just seeing facts.

I know someone who had two children with a female partner and had 20 years of marriage before coming out that they had been living a lie, and transitioning to a female identity. We now know and accept her as a women. It happens. People feel under societal pressure to conform to what we decide is normal. It can take years to deal with that.


As you’re the expert, do please answer this one. If a woman has a child and then transitions to a man, does he/she/they/that/z/x/c/y/+/~ (think I’’ve covered them all there) request to be called dad?