UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

So your telling me you know for a fact that the doctor who ignored the midwives was in the state you were. Come on!
I do know a bit about this whethet you’ll accept it or not.
Interns get over worked, consultants don’t. If there’s a problem then the consultant should be called.
I have enough evidence to indicate that there’s an awful lot of incompetence. I mean we’re talking about a health system that recently had a strep A outbreak that they let kill, was it 6 kids? perhaps more. All it needed was antibiotics FFS!
These stuff is cropping up all the time and what that doctor did was negligence as he didn’t do anything!

My Dad took early retirment, because he could, due to the stress and not feeling up to the responibility anymore and he was ‘just’ a GP. He did do an extra year as an intern as he didn’t feel ready for the responsibility as he was responsible. My sister still works for the NHS and my son is a pharmacist who worked in a mental institute. They all relate stuff to me and I certainly felt the strees my Dad felt growing up.

Btw were you reprimanded?


Sigh all you want.

You’re sharing a video of Anne Widdicombe demanding the asylum system does something it already does, in order to whip up the kind of anti-asylum seeker sentiment she needs to keep herself relevant. On GB News.

She’s a fucking ghoul.


I never said that.

But as per the article

  • It was flagged by staff before the incident that concerns of staffing were a disaster waiting to happen
  • Coroner, described that the death occurred due to short staffing and multiple high risk patients simultaneously
  • The unit had chronic issues and deemed unfit by NHS reports. (That stretched back years)

You blame front line staff, and that the NHS was spending 800K to protect them. I disagree it’s a failing of the system. The case was brought about to force the hospital to change.

I gave a personal example about how pressures lead to errors. The coroners report indicates something similar.

In my instance I was not reprimanded as I had far exceeded the number of hours legally permissible to work. The expectation for me to work my normal shift were unreasonable.


I’m not remotely interested in Ann Widdicombe, or whether she’s a fucking ghoul.
I asked if the current process was what was being suggested, as info on the government website is sketchy.

Is it though?
Hence the fucking question mark in my post :roll_eyes:

Donald Trump was employed as principle sketcher!

I always wondered what the point of keeping asylum seekers in abandoned military bases was?

The problem is those that aren’t picked up because they sneak in. Provide legal routes and capture all.

It isn’t fucking difficult but this government seems hell bent on weaponising international law to feed people with views bent by the right wing.


GB News should be banned on these forums, Fox News as well. “Journalistic” outfits whose primary business model is profiting off whipping up hatred.


That would be 99% of all ‘media’ sites,left and right wing.

It would be interesting to see which sites people consider the most honest and least click baity.

There are some that are regarded as reliable sources for accurate reportage. I think Associated Press and Reuters are often name checked for US and UK news.

Thats one that I use.
Seems quite honest and reports news rather than opinions.
It lacks reporting on Love Island and Katie Price which earns it extra brownie points with me.


That’s a massive overgeneralisation and very “both-sidesy”.

But then again I’m probably just thinking of the “mainstream” media, so you might well be right. On the topic of mainstream media, I would say that most of them tend to be clickbait-y rather than outright hatred peddling. As much as I dislike the politics of the Times and the Telegraph, they do decent pieces and coverage from time to time, as does the Guardian even though much of its output isn’t very good either.

BBC has definitely gone full clickbait, I don’t feel as though their articles are very informative any more, but we know who to thank for that. Their news coverage is also very bent sometimes, which honestly does feel however like it’s a matter of the individual reporters and their personal beliefs, rather than an overall institutional bias. That said, unless I’m much mistaken, most of their senior journalists lean a certain way anyway?

My favourite for good reporting tends to be the FT, but you also do have to pay a hefty fee for that. Reuters as @RedWhippet suggests provides good coverage, and on particular topics, Bloomberg. It’s no coincidence that those 3 also happen to rely on people subscribing for actual news coverage rather than opinionated trash.


I think with the ones that you mentioned they tend to mark opinion pieces as such. Many of the worst news outlets try to pass off opinion as fact.

I agree with the the FT being good. They occasionally make sections free if they are covering significant events. Their Covid coverage was good and I have seen quite a few free to read articles on the Ukraine war.


Ah, censorship, the cornerstone of wide ranging debate and discussion.

Yes, because hate pieces are the very lifeblood of wide ranging debate and discussion.


If it’s on the BBC as news, I’m pretty sure it’s probably true, if it’s an opinion piece it’s going to be written by somebody with a gender studies degree.

I think you meant the above. Unless you only want to discuss things with people who agree with you? If so, why pick me up? So you don’t only want to discuss things you agree with? Hmmmmm.

For example, why the fuck is this news?

I’m very confused with that diarrhoea of words.

I think it’s quite simple. Hate pieces do not belong as debate anywhere. I have no problem with disagreeing with people. I have a problem with pieces designed to stir up divisions and discord between people, and stoke feelings of hatred.

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