UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

No it’s not. It’s about the lies fed to the population by a right wing press and it’s allies. That same group managed to convince swathes of the population struggling or being unhappy with their local council, health, education, or whatever was the fault of the EU and nothing to do with UK government policy. And that was right off the back of austerity. I include immigration in that. That is a UK failure, not an EU one.

Blair, Brown etc. were right not to go there given the group of opportunists waiting on the sidelines ready to rip the country to shreds. Cameron caved in and created the vacuum that Boris stepped into. He then went and achieved a whole lot of nothing but more difficulties that is further separating the gap between the wealthy and poor. Yet again it is the poor paying the bill thanks to government policy. Apparently that’s someone else’s fault, not our government.

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A terrifying bit of cynicism. Gove and Boz agree that he’s fucked so Boz announces he’s sacked Gove to publicly distance them. That was Gove can go for PM……

Explosion Reaction GIF

That’s my opinion on Thatcher too.

Boris Johnson has no aspirations or ambition other than what is best for Boris Johnson. Thatcher was wrong about everything, and did huge damage to the country. But Johnson just doesn’t give a shit.



Zahawhi’s letter was more of a policy statement/pitch for PM than a letter urging “an old friend” to step aside. The bit about the “keeping a dangerous anti-Semite out of No 10” seems a particularly pointed.

Hoping that someone has a locksmith tee’d up and ready to change the locks as soon as he sets foot outside No.10

And libellous.

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Johnson’s entire career has been defined by his only policy - “get through the day”. He says and does anything required to survive just one more day, he has no vision or direction and never has.


You know it makes total sense :rofl:

So Autumn - gives enough time for the rest of them to get their knives sharpened, and work out where in Boris’ back they’ll be putting them once he does leave office as they look to protect themselves and the party.

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Falklands? Anglo USA relations?

I only know of 6 in that list, and to be totally honest, I’m not sure I would trust any of those 6 with a wet fart in a diaper factory.

The other 4 I have never heard of, but if they can’t be promoted above the other 6, then I say they are just as useless, if not moreso

I’m using a bit of hyperbole.

I don’t quite understand the falklands thing. A small island off the coast of Argentina, and we think we have more claim to it than Argentina? WTF?

It’s almost as if claiming it gives us drilling rights in Antarctica or something…


Wasn’t it a British territory years before Argentina even existed as a nation?

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Argentina only has a claim because of Spain, so yeah.

So what are peoples thoughts on BoJo’s resignation speach. Will he throw the rest of them under the bus, or will he accept he fucked up and this is all his fault?

It’ll be the same as all the other ones , immensely proud of what we have achieved etc feign sorrow at mistakes made during a difficult time during COVID…understanding people’s frustration blah blah …leave the country in a strong position blah blah optimistic for the future etc etc

And then make millions giving speeches around the world

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He might even finish his book about Shakespeare, which if it’s anything like his book about Churchill, will be critically panned.

Or he could go back to writing racist fiction?

There are lots of door open to him.

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Under a normal and respectable PM, I would say your right. But BoJo is anything but normal or respectable.

I am half expecting him to call the rest of the party a bunch of snakes, but the blame onto the cabinet and try to weazle his way out of any blame or responsibility

Make good viewing if he went on a rant about them all and then ended talking about Gove :joy::joy::joy:

I am proud of the fact during mass resignations, I managed to sack the slimy bastard that is Michael Gove

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