UK Politics Thread (Part 2)


We having the dangerous chair for this piece of excrement?

nah mate, he’ll be a properly rehabilitated non-rapist when he leaves prison. He deserves to be kept alive at the cost to the taxpayer. He was still being paid wages whilst on trial, innocent until guilty.

Well it is what this will bring, so he is correct!

Carrick, who had undertaken a course on domestic violence in 2005, was sacked by the Met the day after he pleaded guilty.

What a bunch of weeak conniving tripe!

The judge probably thinks the guy will do himself in rather than face those years behind bars in such a hostile environment to someone like him… A case of watch this space me thinks

I had to check if his name was really Laurie, because I wondered what rotten parents would call their child Laurie Magnus, but I see it is short for Lawrence Henry Phillips Magnus, which is prepostriously presumptious of course, but valid enough for that Norman nobility I guess.

Anyway, stop calling your children Laurie, it sounds dumb as hell and rather use the full name Lawrence which sounds far better (yes, I wasted time and read that his family tended to call him Laurie, poor bastard).

This is my brilliant post about UK politics for today. And you may think Magnus is going all out OTT now, eh ? Sure, but I just read through a hundred odd posts about not exactly politics, but everything from trans this and trans that, to Die, die, die, murderer, to everything in between.
I only apologice beause I am at post 8260 currently and the thread is at 8633, so maybe you guys are actually discussing politics below somewhere :wink: If so, have me excused.

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Laughing actually out loud her. The economic establishment Leftist ? Lol…


Larry is another shortened version of Lawrence.
I read an article that said the worst profession to have if your name is Lawrence was to be that of a surgeon… Imagine the doctor coming out of the Operating Room and having to text across the ultimate bad news…
" Sorry we did our best, but it was too late and they have passed over"
Signed, LOL :flushed:

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Surely it’s a used tea bag, no?

@Klopptimist, I think your cover may have been blown.

“In an interview with the Spectator before he was appointed to the role, he argued “nobody has ever committed a crime after being executed”.”




Indeed, and yet Johnson tried a similar scam to fund his wallpaper and lawyer habits.

I was struck by the fact that this guy was long since kicked out of the Labour Party. If he was a Tory he’d probably still have the whip, and be at this moment setting up a HMP Broadmoor forwarding address for his constituency correspondence. Should he stand down? We’ve set up an inquiry and we wouldn’t want to pre-empt its findings etc

On the subject, Marina Hyde is good this week.


The stream of offenders seem never ending eh…

At this point it almost begs the question…is being a sexual predator a prerequisite to becoming a Met officer?!

Are Labour big fans of the SuperBowl?

Boris incoming :rofl: