UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

Listen to the whole interview. He demanded it was played in full or he’d do no more interviews. Asked her 10 times if she’s ever lied. She squirmed like a fish on a hook. I’d have admitted it first question then gone for her. His only mistake was not admitting it.


The full 11 minutes is on the Beeb
MP Lee Anderson: New deputy Tory chairman clashes with radio presenter - BBC News

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Yes, listened to it earlier. He has the balls to speak his mind. Rare. I like him. Of course he sounds like Ghandi next to me.

Fascinating that you like a politician that went out of their way to scam the public.


That would account for the whole country then

He’s the only one who’s ever done it.


And as an addition, we can’t hate everybody in life. I prefer him to so many people I know and I don’t really know him. Then again I know some Labour members……

There it is. Same old mantra.

Is that really an excuse? Not for me, don’t care who they are.

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It’s not really a mantra though is it.
History has shown all parties lie like fuck in pre election manifestos and deliver very little of what they promised. Therefore scamming the public.


I Agree Yes Yes Yes GIF by Tracey Matney - Victory Points Social

not just in the UK either

*And I’m the one who will not raise taxes. My opponent now says he’ll raise them as a last resort, or a third resort. But when a politician talks like that, you know that’s one resort he’ll be checking into. My opponent won’t rule out raising taxes. But I will. And the Congress will push me to raise taxes and I’ll say no. And they’ll push, and I’ll say no, and they’ll push again, and I’ll say, to them, “Read my lips: no new taxes.”

Depends how you view them I guess. Things change and it should be right that a ruling party can change their mind, provided it’s in the interest of who they’re governing.

As an extreme example it could be considered harsh that the Tories haven’t delivered on their manifesto during Covid. But I look at what they did and will call them cunts for that instead.

Overall though difficult to disagree when the UK’s politics is all about getting into power at any cost.

I view them ALL with mistrust.

Then again you were surprised Boris turned out to be dishonest.

Nice to see you’ve learned your lesson.

Oh Nadine, how will we cope without you!!

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"Conservative Ms Dorries used her TalkTV show to announce her departure and hit out at “MPs who drank the Kool-Aid and got rid of Boris Johnson”.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

This ‘They’re all the same’ mantra is one of the most pernicious aspects of the post 2016 landscape (and there are many).
Promoting the idea that all politicians are equally dishonest and corrupt allows the unfettered growth of dishonesty and corruption. It’s not true though. There are plenty of politicians who work hard for their constituents and who are truly driven by a desire to make the world better. Without them we wouldn’t have had the progress that we’ve had. Cynicism and apathy are a cancer for democracy.


That’s like saying that football only started with the premier league.

Politicians have you know, power? Ever heard what that does? There’s this saying………

Of course, but it has been weaponised by those who wish to hide their guilt to a much greater degree since Trump.

Nah, that’s just revisionist history. Politicians have always been in it for themselves. There are a few exceptions but essentially the last person you want in power is somebody who wants power. Same with guns. “Do you want to own a gun?”
“Well you can’t have one then”