UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

There is a big difference between wanting to enact change to make the country more palatable to your own worldview and simply grifting for the benefit of your own small cabal and to hell what happens to the country.


How has any progress been made then? Would you rather live in the 1850s?
Improvements in working hours, education, health, housing, consumer protection etc etc came from protest and the action of politicians.
Nothing revisionist about that.

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Can I own a mill? Send kids up chimneys?

The former, you can do now if you want. The latter was outlawed in the mid 19th century thanks to the likes of Lord Shaftesbury. You see there was such a thing as decent Tories.


Re:Nadine Dorries

Anyone know if thereā€™s any truth to the suggestion that she might be vacating her ultra safe seat to facilitate a Johnson comeback ?

Probably not the first time sheā€™s left an opening for him.

Is that a euphemism for something?

Hadnā€™t heard that. Would be surprised if true, but it wouldnā€™t be totally unbelievable. She has a career outside of being an MP and could expect a good chance of being given a place in the Lords if Labour donā€™t introduce legislation to end it.

Another Conservative MP stepped down yesterday too. Canā€™t remember their name but they were from the group who entered in 2019. Not sure how many of them have announced they are stepping down.

You can be a 10 year old chimney sweep.

Still attractive for you?

The fact that she has vehemently denied it makes me suspect it might be true. :wink:

Thatā€™s a phenomenally strange take.

He is a politician who got caught telling an absolutely egregious lie, basically getting a friend to pose as a defecting Labour voter. He has no right to go on the attack against her line that.


Also, it is the interviewerā€™s job to ask the questions. He may answer with a rhetorical question but that isnā€™t what he did. He persisted in trying to bully the journalist and then threatened her at the end.


Yeah, the same guy that thinks food banks are the result of poor budgeting on behalf of those using them.



For anyone like me that was curious how many were standing down at the next election.

The MPs who have announced they are standing down at the next general election | Politics News | Sky News

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Anecdotally, itā€™s true. I work with a guy who earns more than me, has no children and lives (until last week) 7 minutes walk away from work. Heā€™s had to visit a food bank twice in the last six months. Heā€™s also talking about going to Portugal for a week in April, so go figure.

The difference here though is I know this is just one person and the same will not apply across the board.

EDIT, apparently his partner has just bought a PS5 as well.

To be fair, I can see explanations here that arenā€™t too outlandish, like recurring payments that end soon (or have recently ended) that were taking a financial toll on his cashflow.

Not sure how likely that is though.

Iā€™m guessing they got themselves into a bit of short term bother which is completely possible but is a long long way away from needing it week in week out and the increase in food bank numbers across the UK.

But of course itā€™s 100% short term problems, thereā€™s no poverty

Well, I can tell you some stories. Being spat at by a creature with an iPhone because I wouldnā€™t give her any food from the building next door I didnā€™t work at was a real highlight.

Not trying to trivialise food bank use and the numbers that use them, but would be interesting how many use food banks while keeping expensive day to day luxuries.