UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

It would, but I think it’s quite hard to actually measure that. How would you even go about requesting the information from food bank users?

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What would you describe as an expensive luxury?


The shallowness of right wing thinking is astounding. Yes people lie, for example telling your wife you had 2 pints when you had 4. That’s not the same as a public representative intentionally deceiving voters.

What is his/your point? People lie so let’s have no expectations of honesty whatsoever? Fuck doing the right thing…just look after yourself?


mikekoziol yes GIF by Bizness Rebels

A brand new electric car?

I’d have called his bluff on that one. You are going withdraw access in future are you? Fine - we’ll keep interviewing the Labour and Lib Dem candidates, and you can fuck off. Door is always open when you’ve stopped sulking.


now we know “why Brexit”. Instead of the textile companies paying their share of duty and taxes on the goods the import into the UK, your goverment allowed it to happen and then shoved the fine onto the taxpayers.

This doesn’t sound like an innocent mistake, but rather another glaring example of the corruption at play in the UK. Hide/launder money? No problem. Avoid taxes? No problem.

An EU fraud investigation found that over a six-year period HM Revenue & Customs failed to check impossibly low valuations put on Chinese consignments arriving into Britain. In one case it found that the average value declared at the UK border for women’s cotton trousers was €0.91 per kg, compared with an EU average of €26.09.

It found that more than half of all textiles and shoes imported into Britain from China between 2011 and 2017 were below “the lowest acceptable prices”. It ordered the UK to pay more than €2 billion, plus interest.


ALL politician lie and deceive.
Just so happens the Tories are in power now, but don’t kid yourself that the next party in charge wont be riddled with examples of deceit.

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Sky package, superfast broadband, contract phones which come with the latest not free at all handsets.

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Have you no concept of spectrum? There probably will be some examples of deceit but they won’t be corrupt from top to bottom like the current lot


You do get a spectrum.

It took a lot for my parents to swallow their pride to use a food bank. Now they use it every week. I would not say they would go hungry without it. But it would be subsistence living. Accessing the food bank makes a huge difference to their quality of life. If their pension was say 5-10% higher they absolutely would not use it.

My sister on the other hand….her family earns the good income. For the last 15 years irrespective of how much money they earn they spend every penny (bank balance close to zero every payday).

My wife is still fuming 6 months on, that 30 minutes before family gathering she canceled (without telling us) a responsible Indian restaurant where we would share food, and booked her favourite high restaurant……only to cry poverty when bill came.

She has no qualms about using a food bank. That’s down to her bad management of money. Don’t get me wrong her fridge will be empty and with 3 kids that’s not fun. But she lives beyond her means. She will always be the same.

My guess would be >95% of those that use food bank absolutely need it. It makes huge difference to their quality of life. I think a minority do abuse it. (<5%) or comes down to poor financial management.


You can easily afford it if you have control. Also, you getting sentenced by an EU court and fined 2.3 billion (!) sterling as a non-member speaks of grand control and Great Power Sovreignty. Worth it. Easy.
It’s just the price of around 35.55 (so maybe 36 if you get a good deal) F-35B’s, which are cheap and affordable planes indeed.

Btw, " How many F-35B does the UK have?

A spokesperson for Lockheed Martin confirmed in a Dec. 1 statement to Breaking Defense that a total of 30 F-35B aircraft have so far been delivered to the UK with a further seven due for delivery in 2023. The remaining 11 will follow in 2024 and 2025, according to the spokesperson.Dec 2, 2022"

So the fine is just slightly more than the current fleet of super expensive multi role fighter jets.
Taking back control.

Probably true. You could say the same about benefits. And the tabloids like to bang on about the 5%.

But rich people abusing tax loopholes would be much more than 5%


@Magnus did you miss the first part of the story?
" the Treasury revealed it had paid the European Union to settle a long-running dispute over lax customs checks when Britain was a member of the bloc."

epic fail GIF by Feibi McIntosh

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Alright, point taken and very valid.

You deserve a GIF then, mate:

was fun writing and researching the cost of F-35’s though ! :rofl:

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Stop letting your political allegiances cloud your judgement.
Probably some deceit in other parties, but corrupt top to bottom in the Tories?

You carry on pretending it’ll be all good when Starmer is in power and I’ll continue to mistrust them all.

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I’ve no allegiances in UK politics (apart from hating the Tories) and don’t like Starmer. Again, you jump to assumptions

That got my imagination going, Danes expensive luxuries … I won’t go any further! :rofl: