UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

You’ve got to wonder, what does it say about the civil service if the former director of public prosecutions is corrupt…

It’s strange how sleaze seems to be endemic in one particular party, but apparently it’s “all sides do it”…


Think it stems from video footage of a 25yr old asylum seeker outside the school gates trying to entice a 15yr old girl on her way home from school to become his ‘Girlfriend’…
Not hard to imagine the grooming element that might be attached to this. He along with others are housed in the Suites Hotel, which is sited in Kirkby, which is area of Liverpool where you DO NOT upset the locals… not if you value your life that is…!!

Probably was in the protests…

if @sandsoftime is right in the post above most people should have been protesting against child grooming.

Without the violence that follows most protests these days.

Also using the behaviour of one individual to riot against many innocent people?



Classic pogrom. I’d leave this to the police. Speaking of which, I hope they have a significantly visible presence on Monday night. The individuals stirring this up are always drawn to crowds.

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Must be cultural differences where the grooming of children is okay

Hope you’re not suggesting that they comply with and respect our culture?

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You can be assured… the people of Kirkby don’t need the support of any far right movement when it comes to protecting and safeguarding their own…!
Might be a the media stirring up the shit again

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Sensational headlines sell advertising space :+1:


Michael Roden

Michael Roden

1 hour ago (edited)

When you protect your children, your culture, your safety, your future, and your community do you automatically become far-right?



10 replies

Ronin Hood

Ronin Hood

1 hour ago

Make Britain safe again!



1 reply

Land Rover

Land Rover

2 hours ago

These people do represent the community, they are the community. And good on them.

Nearly 800 replies all of the same opinion…

Nothing like a good old “far right” allegation.
Cover all bases and motives


Liverpool is famous for having far right splinter cells who turn up when it’s convenient.

I was involved supplying electronic signage to the Suites when it was first built. Quite surprised that it is being used to house migrants. It was a smart hotel used mainly for events. They had state of the art meeting rooms. Not been there for a long while though.

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Well, two give no details about themselves and one calls themself Nazi Hampster…what are the others like?


Three arrested after PROTEST outside of a hotel housing asylum seekers in Merseyside - YouTube

Here is the link RFM…
Up to 970 comments /replies now…
It is a Saturday afternoon here and the last thing I will be doing is reading through them all… Feel free to do it yourself though - Fill your boots

Real mixed bag of comments in the post has really stirred up the emotions within many…

### *
*sara and ivan evans

2 hours ago (edited)

Apparently the disturbance was created by the actions of of a MIGRANT pestering a15 year old school girl which she recorded on her phone and which was posted later on twitter . A number of migrants have been dumped in the Nosely community by the Home Office (Now normal practice without consultation of the locals) in a hotel .It’s not far right activists protesting as branded by that scurrilous Charity Care For Calais but angry residents, and parents concern for their children being harassedand intimidated by unwanted visitors. TO quote an Irish banner "We are not far right,but right so far "

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wtf is that woman screaming at the end ?

She seems to be taking the mickey out of the guy doing the recording
as a bit of distraction…