UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

The person in that video is known as James Mac and he is a known neo-Nazi agitator. He isn’t just some random local.

Article about him here:

They are known to the police and I would recommend anyone to keep well clear of them. They are bad news.


Well, that’s the whole point behind much of this, to provoke anger and unrest against asylum seekers. That Sara and Ivan Evans post is a perfect case in point - fourth link that you’ve shared from that chat which like the other 3 has been set up since 2020 and lacks any personal info or content. Look at how it is written, and probably not by a local either.

Well done. :clap:

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People feel safer to hide behind the blanket of anonymity to avoid repercussions from the many keyboard warriors and odd-bods that roam our streets and will take offence at almost everything… Does not mean, with the many genuine posters, what they type is not reflective of inner feelings though
Kirkby is a tight community and the actions of the guy; that is clearly depicted via the video recording; will not sit well with the many ordinary folk that are family orientated… If the far right are jumping on this particular bandwagon then rightly so it needs to be closely monitored

Found the video

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People in Britains safest Labour seat being accused of being far right.
What happened will somehow it’ll be construed as the Tories fault

Because every single person in the constituency is a left winger, right?

And there’s no means of troublemakers travelling from outside the area, obviously.


I wonder who started the war on asylum seekers? Who closed legal routes, stopped processing applications and generally weaponised the whole topic?

Any ideas?

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Some of us are old enough to remember this ;

" the arrival of 19,000 Vietnamese ‘boat people’ after 1979 came at a time of growing anti-immigration rhetoric, Britain’s deepest recession for fifty years and just as Thatcher’s New Right government’s marketisation and anti-statist policies were being enacted. "

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It’s more the far right hijacking legitimate protesting and escalating it to dangerous levels .it happening all over and aimed at asylum seekers.Happening in other countries,not just the UK.It seems to me like coordination between far right groups from far and wide.


See my earlier comment about peaceful protests turning violent.
It happens far too often and across the political spectrum.

Hope they have a video of whoever torched the van. Give them the bill and 10 years.

More likely to ask if they were injured and do they need counselling after the trauma of the blaze.

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So cynical :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
The bloke in the video didn’t sound much like a tory supporter

Probably not a war, but I get the point you’re making.

I’d imagine it’s difficult distinguishing between genuine refugees and illegal migrants though?

I’m guessing the ones crowded onto dinghies have had to fork out large sums of money to the traffickers to get here?

There’s organised crime gangs arriving and honestly desperate people / families. Telling them apart is a little tricky I suspect.

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Genuine refugees will apply for asylum on arrival. People arriving who want to work illegally will not want to be visible to the authorities.

It is possible that some claiming asylum will not be genuine refugees, for example they may be on the run for committing crimes, but that is for the asylum process to determine.


Revealed: secret cross-party summit held to confront failings of Brexit | Brexit | The Guardian
Leading Brexiters and remainers, including Michael Gove and David Lammy, met for two-day ‘private discussion’ with diplomats and business leaders


Yes I imagine it is, and that’s why processing is so important. You get nowhere without doing it.

Yes I think they have but they have no alternative despite the cost and the risk. Imagine a safe and organised route straight into a processing centre of some description. You undermine the dinghy gangs

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Sounds good in theory, but I suspect the dinghies would still get lots of business from those who know themselves that they are not genuine refugees