UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

Absolutely disgrace.

It’s the type of thing that won’t get the headlines but this will be a huge loss for the UK. Horizon is the main research fund and builds collaborations internationally.

It’s really is crazy. I am heading back to Europe in April, as New Zealand will for the first time be able to access Horizon Europe (first outside member). I am literally visiting 15 institutes in 8 countries to hopefully start research collaborations it’s viewed as so important.

The UK is just walking away from it. It’s a astonishingly bad decision.


Every chance and it gives you a more solid footing to send them back. You’d still need to pick them up and process their applications of course. But if you give people an easy, cheap and legitimate route you stand a far better chance of putting the dinghy gangs out of business.

It just dawned on me that this would be a kind of free market economy type solution. Something the Conservatives believe in to their core. :thinking:

Despite the hysterics, it’s not opening the gates, it’s actually doing what you’re supposed to be doing.

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Good that this isn’t buried but raises massive questions on the effectiveness of the Met’s first investigation. Whiffy :poop:

You’d have a humanitarian crisis in days unless you have accommodation, services, food and security for 50,000 people.

What do you then do with those who fail? Back to France? Their country of origin (if they remember)? What stops them coming back into the channel with no documents?

The penny’s finally dropped then.

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Next weeks Conference

How we fucked the country but made money for Us.

There already is one in Calais and one growing here if you have been paying attention.

Processing speed is key here, something this government is failing miserably with. They have slowed right up for some reason.

The solution lies in actually being proactive, working with France and actually doing things rather than coming up with ideas like Rwanda.l


@Noo_Noo effectiveness of the Met should have :rofl: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: after it.

Yeah stinks to high heaven

Put me down as sceptical. These aren’t ‘fresh’ allegations at all. I remember reading at the time about the connivance of Downing St. staff and the suppression of evidence. If I knew it , then so did the Met. They chose to turn a blind eye then and won’t be opening themselves up to further criticism now.

And if anyone thinks that Johnson is going to emerge from this with anything more than an admonition then they are kidding themselves.

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You’re right but I think this is fresh fresh evidence.

I hope you’re wrong regarding Johnson. The UK really needs little things like this to stick to start to shake off this inequality bullshit that’s wrecking the place.


I hope Boris doesn’t get fined again,where would he find the money
Boris Johnson earns ÂŁ5m in five months since resignation | News | The Times
"Boris Johnson has declared an advance payment of about ÂŁ2.5 million for speaking events.

According to the MPs’ register of financial interests, the former prime minister received the payment on January 3 as an advance for speaking engagements arranged via the Harry Walker Agency.

Johnson had already declared just under ÂŁ1.8 million for speeches delivered since he left Downing Street in September."

Not bad for a mumbling bumbling clown.

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Yes I have. Ours would look like Calais if we gave a direct safe passage. I agree that the application has to be speeded up. Shame Australia has been discovered. End of problem. Can we buy Canada? Probably cheaper than this government speeding up applications.

Interesting viewpoint :astonished:

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In your world, how do you tackle problem?

Turn your back on it, or tackle it head on? Moving a problem never works. Deal with it.

Work with the French, process applications there, properly, not in the half arsed method they currently are. Everything and anything else is just stupid. “We’ll send you to Rwanda while we process your application.” You still have to go through it all, so instead of procrastinating about it in the Telegraph, get the fuck on with it.

But as usual it’s someone else’s fault. I know let’s blame the fucking parents.

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It wasn’t funny the first time somebody took it outside the thread. Now it’s just petty.

Told you, buy Canada and ship everybody there. Couldn’t cost more than Boris’s wallpaper.

And this is supposed to be funny? Comedy is really not your strongest asset.

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Supposed to be funny? Did you donate your sense of humour for medical research?

What would I do? Off the top of my head? Well, let’s not go over the reasons for people to flee their own countries and further, let’s not go into why they head here. The solution is to get these people to a safe place where they can make new lives for themselves. So it would be sensible to have a huge amount of land to parcel off and allocate. Building infrastructure, supplying basics to get people going. Ever flown over Canada? Not as “funny” an idea as you seem to think.

I go back again to offering work to anybody in exchange for food, housing and essentials at solar farm construction plants in the most efficient places in the world. We could employ millions permanently with enough will and investment then we can scrap fossil and nuke and live effectively in a carbon free world having provided employment. safety, infrastructure and a wonderfully bright future by working together.

Or put them all in UK hotels at the tax payers’ expense. I’d rather see that than people being murdered in their beds in a war torn country but we have to be practical.

Your idea is just to let an unlimited number of migrants into the UK. That news won’t spread instantly round the world now will it. Actually, thinking about it, you must have a sense of humour. You suggested chaos.

You were clearly born without one so …

Have you spoken to the Canadian government on this? Just to remind you, they are independent, and not part of some colonial territory that you seem to favour. Who pays? I know Antarctica is empty, and swathes of the Sahara, or even Siberia.

When did I say that? Only people with legitimate asylum claims would be allowed to stay. Which is exactly what international law says. How do you know who has a legitimate asylum claim I wonder?

Anyway, have a good day dreaming of trying to be funny and other crackpot theories of not dealing or understanding issues. I’m out.

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