UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

You’re out because you have no response to my serious post.

What are you doing with all the people you allow in safely who you then won’t let stay? Usual, badly thought out ideas.

I don’t dream of being funny, nor have I ever been under any illusion as to the quality of my humour.

Oscar Wilde eat your heart out.

You said you wanted safe passage for all asylum seekers. To where? The UK of course. Allowing them to stay and accommodating them whilst their application is processed means THEY’RE ALL IN THE UK.


Ok, educate me here because I’m clearly missing something.
What international obligation do we have to accept migrants from France?

Last time I looked, it isn’t war torn and they don’t live in fear of their lives from military actions.

I know it’s fashionable, albeit often warranted to slag off the current government, but I’d say our biggest gripe over this subject should be towards the French.

You keep saying work with the French, by that do you mean agree for them to send us the people they don’t want?

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There BTW. That’s where you said it. Just to remind you.

Maybe we could send the French money to help them deal with the illegals…
UK to pay £55m to French border patrols to fund migrant clampdown | Migration | The Guardian

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It always amuses me when people assume Liverpool is some sort of Socialist republic. I grew up in one of the poorest white working class areas of Liverpool and the vast majority were and still are of course labour voters and yet they actually held incredibly right wing views…such as strongly anti immigration and pro hanging. I remember my parents being outraged when capital punishment was abolished and homosexual acts were legalised…

Those sort of views are still simmering under the surface in northern working class areas hence the Brexit and red wall results in the last election.

Labour voting in Liverpool and the rest of the north does not mean those individuals hold left wing views…it is pretty much a tribal vote up here.


Tricky this because it has gotten so far down the line for making rule changes on a massive scale to overturn events. There must be certain things that can still be done to deter the undesirable/s aspect and separate them from the genuine, desperate and needy woman and children out there. While not everyone will be coming into the UK simply because they are following the ‘streets are paved with gold’ trail of ‘easy’ money privileges in the benefits system, there will be a percentage that are obviously attracted in this manner.
Maybe tightening up these benefits to the single or unmarried men yet remain somewhat flexible to the woman and children… sift through these suitable or unsuitable applicants at this stage of the procedures!!
We all have neighbours and relatives that over a period of time have become a real pain in the arse…! The mistake was made in the early days when they first visited eh, central heating was turned up fully for them so they felt snug and cosy, you lay a spread on for them and feed them up… maybe a barbeque once or twice, let them drink as much of your beer as they want… until the day arrives when they start to expect nothing less will do…!
The only way to get your own life, couch, TV, and peace and quiet back to some level or normality, is to turn the central heating off as they walk through the door put a woolly coat on and open all the windows, have an empty fridge each time they land, put the barbeques on hold etc etc… Until, the day eventually arrives… that they realise it is not worth visiting anymore… and they give the other
neighbours or family the same message!

They’re not ‘migrants from France’ though , are they. They are migrants from all over the world who have travelled through France to reach their final destination. In case you weren’t aware , France already has its very own migrant crisis to worry about.


They’re not from France are they? They’re not French. 1951 Refugee Convention does not require a person to seek asylum in the first “safe” country they reach.

No matter which way you choose to treat these people, including sending them to the moon, you ultimately have to review, check and accept / refuse their asylum applications. Why not work with the French authorities and get as much done in France before they jump on an unsafe boat? We’re already paying France a huge amount of cash for something, let’s do what needs to be done no matter what solution you go forward with. Get the resources in there and do the work.


Yes I am aware, but thanks anyway.

Ok, so let’s get the resources set up in France as suggested, and process them.
Then what?
What percentage would get refused?
Where do we send the ones who are refused?
They’ll just make their way straight to the dinghies.
Back to square one, no?

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Well Done Good Job GIF by Robert E Blackmon

No you don’t. Setup an area on the planet where anybody can go in safety and number, all governments chip in to set it up. Then it doesn’t matter why they’re going, they can have a home. Exactly like the USA used to be.

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Oh dear.

Yes you do. If a refugee claims asylum you have to process their claim under international law. That does not mean you must do it in the UK however, but the law says you must process their claim.

So get cracking if you want to change international law.


You don’t need to call me dear mate. You don’t get this do you? Everybody goes to a safe place. No need for asylum. The vast savings and potential works produced could be massively beneficial for the planet.

You are really not in the slightest way amusing.

If their application is successful they have the right to live and work in the UK. So they can move back here from Utopia if they want.

Yet another failed plan through poor logic and understanding. I honestly think it’s you that doesn’t understand.

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I’m guessing that relocating migrants doesn’t directly impact you right now.
I’d wager your stance would change if several hundred of them moved into your neighbourhood

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Can we stop the shite insults please? I’ll have a little banter with anybody but you’re just being a dick here. You know it too.

Do please tell me what’s wrong with my plan? Too big for you? I guess some don’t see the bigger picture.

I’ll use small words. Scrap asylum and make a big place for people to go to for safety.

Or as @Dane points out, they can all live in your shed.

most asylum claims are successful so numbers of those coming via dinghy would be small, if any come that way at all. Any that fail their asylum application and do try to come to the UK can be kicked out as they would have already had their applications considered.