UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

Sounds very much like my father.


… ding dang sure!
I like that one, I’m going to start using it a lot with some special types. :rofl:

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Classic … she fucking nailed him !

(I’d almost forgotten about that tbh … ooh ah up the ra Nigel … lmfao ! )

The trouble is that with you it’s incredibly hard to know where the joke ends and the actual outrageous opinion begins.

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Thanks for that, seems I do have a sense of humour. Glad that’s been confirmed, I was really starting to question my whole opinion of myself…….

You do seem to make yourself laugh

I’ve just had a look at the Merseyside Police webpage to see if they had any more updates on the disturbance in Knowsley. There’s actually a bit more information on their report on Saturday:

Also the first person charged:

Seemingly from Aigburth so this is hardly local people protesting.

I just hope that the Police are out in force tonight because these clowns are attracted to crowds and the derby match is an obvious focal point for anyone wanting to cause trouble. This all has a depressing feel of the 1980s about it.


Good to know you’re fair game for insults if you express an outrageous, translated to differing opinion.

I’m certain that both you and klopptimist, on multiple occasions have explained that there’s zero chance of you getting upset over an internet insult.

Or is that not longer the case?

You do realise I was speaking to him, you know, the one who complained about insults.
As for me being upset by anything typed by a faceless anonymous internet user, erm no I don’t think I would

When will he tweet about this?
Afghan boys arrested over ‘rape of girl at Kent school’ | News | The Times

I’ve never been offended by anything written on here. I get pissed off with people attempting to insult me. Tory cunt is a particular joy.

Things just get better and better for Anderson

Will he outlast Truss or the lettuce?


Got to ask how they keep doing it, the Tories I mean. They put a person into the cabinet / senior role and they get found out for something. Having learned from this experience they go and do the exact same thing all over again.

Pretty special


We have to wait for the case to be heard and for any evidence to come to light.
(apart from the publically posted FB)

Legal advice from

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What exactly do you want tweeted about this though?

I don’t think it’s questionable in any way that rape is wrong?

Unless you’re suggesting that being an asylum seeker makes one more inclined to rape someone?


His silence says enough.
Points 2 and 3 are just pathetic.

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