UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

Clearly it depends on what the work is but a lot of time can be spent setting up and shutting down tasks. That’s unproductive time. If you reduce those tasks by 20% you can improve productivity.


Bet I work even less
Ha ha @ILLOK

I have just upped my days to 4 after going down to 3 per week in 2021.

I have been significantly more successful in my role since that change and I am valued accordingly. I now get nearly the same basic wage on 4 days as I did last time I worked 5.

Their are many other factors involved in that for sure but a less than 5 day week was undoubtedly the catalyst.

I may not be working harder but I’m sure as hell working smarter now I have sufficient time and space to relax, reflect, visualise and plan ahead instead of spending my entire life (not just working life) reacting to external demands.


Lots of people make the mistake of going to the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) to criticize Christianity. They make comments about shellfish and mixed fabrics and so on, but I can assure you it sounds just as silly to Christians as it does to atheists.

Christians go by the new covenant. The New Testament is the new covenant document. Jesus is the new covenant prophet, if you will. And the new covenant can be summarized by a new command he gave, which is the very core of his core message:

“Love one another.”

That’s a message the world needs to hear, and live by.

Is it a worthy message? Of course it is. And since this is the politics thread, I would add that if every politician, in the course of the work they do and the decisions they make, would ask themselves, “What does love require of me?” we would all be a lot better off.

I won’t make any other comment on religion in here. If anyone wants to engage, I would have thought PM or the religion thread is more appropriate. I made the one comment here since this is where it came up.


The meetings, safety briefings actually, are a legal requirement. Cancel those at your peril.

4 days works, going lower probably wouldn’t unless there’s a shift / labour rotation which doesn’t work in many places.

A further aspect is that Friday then becomes available as an “extra day” if there’s a sudden push needed. So instead of paying for 2, 4, or 8 hours overtime spread over the previous 4 days you get the full day to go at

I would also add that my current work place is one of the happiest I’ve ever been in despite the many frustrations of the job. Secondly our safety record is excellent.

So being scientific about this we have a study that has real recorded measurements of performance etc. I’ve given you my personal experience of it. You have…?

So as we’re being scientific you need to produce evidence of a study that says something different, or find fault in the study, the actual data and recording of it they’ve done in the presented study

Over to you.


Nailed it
Happy I Am Groot GIF by Disney+

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Lazy bastard

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Peter, I apologise on behalf of my nation.

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‘What? The lazy bastards want Saturday’s off as well as Sunday?’ Klopptimist, circa 1800s


I was just offered a job working 3x 12hr shifts… tempting


I’ve been doing four days a week for years, but my organisation has just gone to a blanket four day week. Early indications are really positive, and chime with the study. No real drop in productivity, happier people working a lot smarter and efficiently.


That’s not how the pilot worked and productivity and output were measured independently of testimony. But you crack on.




Circa 1800 I’m wearing a stove pipe hat and sending kids under the looms.

i know youre just poking the bear as a joke, but the sad ironic thing is, 99% chances are, circa 1800s, you aint owning no mill…youd be the one under the looms, working your way up to the mines or some such…


WTAF? Pity the satirists who need to stay out in front of this kind of thing.

No tomato shortage here in Northern France. I’m unsure how weather events could affect UK and not us here. :woman_shrugging: UK government at it again. :lying_face:


It’s always someone else’s fault.

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I love neeps!


I am regularly getting Ruttabagga in supermarkets in the south of France. They must be stealing them from the UK market. :crazy_face: :rofl: