UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

Well done Gary Linekar…

…fighting on behalf of the people who think you’re a tit, helping get rid of that odious program that MOTD has become.
Hope to never see you, your cronies, or the even more odious newbie presenters ever again.

He must have spent his whole life spelling out his name for people…I do sympathise.


Misjudging the issue a bit there, mate.

My surname is a well known noun, but the number of people who misspell it or mispronounce it really does my head in. :rage::nerd_face:

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A King’s Counsel telling it as it is:


The Dark Knight Reaction GIF

Wow, more than a few need to see that, digest it and think for a while in what they believe and if they’re happy being where they are.


The link’s not working for me. Any chance someone can copy n paste it ?

The problem for me, as I mentioned in another thread, is that I think most pundits are a waste of the money they get paid. I wouldn’t even listen to them even if they paid me (unless it was what they’re getting paid right now).

But just as a matter of principle, this is wrong. Imagine if this was a Labour government cynically expropriating the property of their political opponents, and it was someone you actually like speaking out on it and getting this treatment.


Cheers for that.

What people should also remember when they are talking about Braverman’s claims of the legality of it all , is that this is the same woman who was also pushing legislation through parliament recently to renege on Britain’s Brexit commitments re:the NI protocol.

To put it bluntly , she is a fucking disgrace. She has no real regard for international law , all she’s about is advancing , in the cruellest possible way , the far right agenda of this govt. on immigration.

Gary Lineker has done the whole country a favour by concentrating minds now on the sheer abhorrence of this policy.


My favourite part of this all is that anyone with history in this thread or its predecessors will remember how despite her views on many things lining up with @Kopstar’s, he absolutely hated her guts because she was quite possibly the least legally competent person to ever be Attorney General.


Also says a lot about Sunak appointing her into the cabinet


I think you’re all missing the important question. Will they get away with it?

Sure another story will hit the media in 24 hours so we all very conveniently forget.

Being honest, I doubt it. And I think they know that as well. There’s a plan

How is Deadwood still an MP?

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Damn, rumbled by the grammer polcie

Spelling police.

I like Lineker, always have. One of the few very articulate football men and I like listening to him. He also seems like a decent man to me. But that’s just my opinion.


Challenge accepted!!!


Totally agree. Never understood the antipathy.