UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

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Big sigh of relief :rofl:

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This has real “you’re being ridiculous. The real danger is from Antifa if Biden loses.” energy to it.

The defining characteristic of Boris’ tenure has been norm shattering and rule breaking all in the interest of his own career. Do I think him staying in power is the most likely, or even likely outcome? No, not really. But pretending it isn’t a possibility he will try to manipulate that outcome because that isnt what the rules say is just condescending nonsense from people who way too high on their rationality.


Was just looking at some responses on a TIA post about Jurgen and that Scousers hate Tories banner.

Littered with the likes of “keep politics out of football”.

“I’m a Tory and a Liverpool supporter”

“At least Farage tells the truth”

Jesus wept!

Not only do they have zero idea about our origins, what the Tories did to the city of Liverpool and the working class in general (not forgetting that Labour has become ineffective in helping the working class).

Just shaking my head. Why have people lost the capacity for critical thinking

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@cynicaloldgit ?

They haven’t necessarily. Not every Liverpool fan is a Liverpudlian. A critical difference between this forum and RAWK.

As to our origins, very much capitalist.

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I was probably thinking more of Shankly

Never discussed politics on RAWK. Why what is it like?

what the bloody fuck is going on over there? did Shaggy finally get booted for too many scooby snacks?

edit an absolutely appalling fucking read, that was. I can only cringe at the thought of a no-confidence vote for our inept PM Justin “drama queen” Trudeau.

I’ve been banned twice, never lasted more than a few days. They tolerate anything to the right of Marx like I tolerate well cooked steaks served with sweet white German wine.

I can completely understand people not being happy with what has happened.
I am currently having my own minor issues with the HMRC - they actually owe me money - and I do feel that their resources could be allocated better and more focused on people/companies dodging paying true tax because they have good accountants.
I agree with @mascot that the chancellor of the chequer should be trying to remove these ‘loop holes’ rather than exploit them. However, as I speak Sunak has been cleared of ethics breach, is he still being investigated?
Talking about Ethics, i take it no one here has been paid or has paid for a service cash in hand?

Oh…I thought he is very well supported in Canada and generally seen as a new way forward, at least I get the impression when he was elected.

And I also find it strange that Boris is staying on until October. If confidence is lost in you, one more day in power is intolerable.

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not whilst being employed by the public, no, i have not.

im a very basic human.

my understanding is that i, as a part of the filthy unwashed, am begrudgingly accepting that if we all pool a little money together we can afford to buy such lovely things as roads, hospitals and defence forces, and employ people to run those assets, employ people to make and uphold laws.

be good if those people we pay and entrust with our little pool of money could hold themselves to a better standard than one of us plebs…infact id say one of the first requirements of taking someones money would be that you treat them with respect and deliver them a good value service or product…

…if they cant do that with our money, let them swim out here with the real sharks…


Mascot prefers pyschopaths, …, to clowns!

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He really fucked up once, get a grip man!!!

Blair was a politician, he used loads of spin and ruse, lost people with his clever wheeling dealing. He should be respected for that as much of it was for the better of the UK. He only really made one really massive error from what I can fathom.
In any case the way he walked out of EU meeting with a massive grin, whilst all the others looked like they had been pulled through a hedge backwards and were at the door of death, was really impressive. (Btw he never got what he said he wanted but got what he wanted (he was really quite a master at it, showing he understood how europe worked, something no other UK PM will ever get close to).


Boris Johnson is not a clown. The image he likes to project is of a affable, harmless, Baffoon.

He is actually an ambitious, calculating, cynical danger to democracy. In his casual disregard for anyone bar himself he is a lot closer to a psychopath than clown.

Thatcher wasn’t a psycho. She genuinely believed her aggressive monetarism was the best thing for the country. She was wrong, and would not accept the problems with that approach, especially to those predominantly working class communities it left behind. But she did have what she believed to be the best interests of the country at heart. And half the country still think the sun shone out of her arse. I fucking hate her, but I’m not going to argue she wasn’t patriotic or didn’t have a vision for the country, or wasn’t on a basic level capable.

Johnson literally does not care about the country or it’s people. The only person Boris Johnson gives a shit about is Boris Johnson.


HMRC is woefully underfunded to go after those people/organisations.