UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

Another example of marxist infiltration in the system. Radical left wing nutjobs party on while meek and peaceful public servant Johnson is kicked out for generously hosting morale boosting get togethers.
The Trotskyite police force cravenly melt away while the Commie BBC cheer them on.
The country is now clearly in the hands of Maoist revolutionary guards hell bent on the destruction of all we hold dear.

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Of course they fucking were. They were always going to be. It was a cynical, political attempt to distract from the Tories own moral failures.

And it doesnā€™t that it was all filmed by the son of James ā€˜more right wing than Hitlerā€™ Dellingpole.

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Brexit hard man. :joy: looks like heā€™d blow over in a light breeze.

I know.

Heā€™s another one of those ā€œIā€™m holier than thouā€ types. Arrogant levels off the scale.

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Too late

I completely disagree. If there was genuine new information then it should have been investigated. Even Starmer and Rayner agreed on this point.


@Flobs if norrie beats djokovic. it could be the year for the norries and dorries to rule. get your money on it.

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I really must object. First you changed your name. Then you changed your picture. Are you fucking ashamed of who you are, Craig? :rage:

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truth GIF

UK must be different to Aus thenā€¦

local gov jobs (council, etc) werent that bad a gig during Covidā€¦garunteed paycheck every week whilst not actually having to attend work.

i know its a to and fro arguement on hereā€¦but to be honest, and i know a few people who were working for local governmentā€¦it was a pisstakeā€¦

not so much in the roles they were doing, or the security they hadā€¦but the rhetoricā€¦

ā€˜oh its so tough during COVIDā€™ , ā€˜we are so isoliatedā€™ ā€¦ā€˜practices need to be put in placeā€™ā€¦

our local council even had a 4 hour paid period to get the jabā€¦what a pisstakeā€¦just get stuck on your own time like the rest of us.

we were all under pressureā€¦i remember one mate of mine (good bloke, dont get me wrong) complaining as a school teacher how hard he had it teaching remotelyā€¦

ā€˜yes mate, garunteed paycheck with index rises durng a global pandemic, teach from behind ascreen at homeā€¦tough lifeā€™

in construction we still went to work, no garuntee we wouldnt get the very thing your staying home to get away from, with no garuntee the person we were working for wasnt going to pull the plug on contractsā€¦

i suppose stress is just relative though.

Trying to hide the fact that heā€™s Australian.


To be fair, if you actually care about teaching, itā€™s genuinely a huge challenge, particularly around motivating your students and trying to make sure that theyā€™re paying adequate attention.

But if you just want to get paidā€¦ Then yes.


Have you not noticed!!??! :rofl:

Australia has had it relatively easy throughout the pandemic (as per everything else) but I expect things are going to get much, much tougher over the next two years down under. Weā€™re going to have a hard recession and those in construction will really feel it. Hope you will be okay @Redbj


no, not really.

he may have had to work a few extra hours, but in the scheme of the sacrafices being made, it was zero.he was still able to tuck himself in at night and know the mortgage was getting paid.

if he cared about teaching (and he does) it just meant he spent slightly more effort getting results (in the end, actually less, as there were more more processes put in place and less students giving a fuck)

whatever, i know it wont go down that wellā€¦but in the end, it was a bit of a pisstakeā€¦i know it wasā€¦i saw it with my own eyesā€¦

that bit didnt upset meā€¦it was the 'poor me ā€™ routine that didā€¦as mascot was trying to defend as they are easy targetsā€¦in my limited sphere, outside of frontline workers, they are a bit of an easy target as they just had no sense of perspective.

to qualify, i know well, about 5-6 school workers, 2 full time local government employees and am associated with a raft more of similar

Fair enough. Although sometimes its easier just to wear it as a badge of shame.

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Thatā€™s what I was saying about ā€œif you just want to get paidā€.

The challenges meant a lot of emotional stress, especially from trying to care for students but obviously depending on the students and their circumstances, it would be different.

Iā€™m not minimising your own problems, Iā€™m just saying itā€™s too easy to say that they had it easy without actually understanding what they would be going through. In any case, Iā€™d argue that the problems that you faced were also a political choice by the government of Australia.


This is the price of fame. Every move forensicallly dissected by fans and media alike. The name change controversy has been discussed at length, suffice to say, being mistaken for an Australian is a deeply upsetting experience, even for one, such as I, used to the slings and arrows.
The ā€˜Man Bagā€™ image is a silent protest against toxic masculinity, gender stereotyping and beastliness of all sorts. Iā€™m sure you will all get on board and support me in this noble struggle.


I feel like a goldfish being shouted at by Michael Owen

As probably the only person on this forum that worked a local government job both in Aus and UK during the pandemic, I wouldnā€™t say much is different. Yes, there is no office bantz, yes it can be lonely and you can literally go months without speaking even on the phone to people in your own team but its something everyone faced.

I personally didnā€™t find it too much of a challenge working during the pandemic and I actually spent much of the time thanking my lucky stars that, even though I donā€™t have the wage of someone in the private sector who get paid much more for much less work, I had a reliable income. No local government worker had a right to complain during the lockdown.

As for teachers, I have a problem with what you say about teachers. Both my parents and brother are teachers, and although I spend most of the time taking the piss out of them with the their long holiday periods (yes I am aware it also means they are locked into term times), but fuck me I would hate to have been a teacher during the lockdown. My family all are passionate teachers. They arenā€™t there for the wage. So knowing that there is no interaction, and that you know probably only 20% of the students are probably actually on the call even if they are connectedā€¦nah fuck that. Online teaching is a disaster and I hope we never have to do it again.


Here here.

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