UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

Reverse Fran Healy GIF by Travis



Posting this again because its funny :grin:


Jeremy Hunt - No chance
Rishi Sunak - No fucking chance
Liz Truss - Still No fucking chance
Nadhim Zahawi - No idea, don’t really know enough about him to make a proper opinion, but is a tory, so unlikely
Sajid Javid - Has no idea, so no fucking chance
Ben Wallace - Possible, but reports indicate he intends to stay as Sec Defence to continue his work in aiding Ukraine, so might actually be the right one for the job
Penny Mordaunt - Never heard of her, so no idea. But as with Zahawi, a tory, so probably not a chance

Javid trying to buy the leadership with other people’s money. Think he fit’s windows for a living……

A core tenet of Javid’s leadership campaign is tax cuts, saying he plans to scrap corporation tax rate increases as well as the national insurance hike, to bring forward the planned 1p income tax cut to next year, and to introduce a temporary fuel duty reduction.

His tax plans will cost “around £39 billion a year”, excluding fuel duty, he tells the BBC, and he will release a “score card” in the coming days outlining how this will be funded.

Javid says he is worried about Britain falling into a “slow growth, low growth trap” and unless there is an economic uptick, funding for public services will suffer.

Tax cuts are not “risk free”, he acknowledges, but a bigger risk would be to do nothing.

“It takes experience and courage to make the big decisions and to get them right and my view is very firm on this, we cannot fall into a low growth trap,” he says.

This can be avoided by cutting taxes, as well as investing in skills and infrastructure, he adds.

Ironic as it’s a lovely day here. No rain on me :slight_smile:

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No chance. He is being heavily briefed against in the media .

They’re all going to promise massive tax cuts which, miraculously, leave public services unharmed.

It’s almost as if the Tories believe in a magic money tree :roll_eyes:

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Forgive my ignorance as an antipodean, but would Jeremy Cunt not be the most ‘typically old school’ Tory option? Or have I just forgotten/never known and discounted too much of his past? Seems like an adolescent amongst toddlers is as close to a relatively fully formed adult as available at this point?

Here’s a commentary on one of her actions as AG

The court then dealt with Braverman’s argument that all three sentences were too short:

As to the length of the custodial terms, we note a striking feature of the submissions. When applications are made by the attorney general for leave to refer to this court sentences which are said to be unduly lenient, it is frequently on the basis that the judge fell into error by failing to follow a relevant guideline. In this case, however, the argument advanced by the attorney is that the sentence of Long, and therefore the sentences on Bowers and Cole, were unduly lenient because the judge erred in failing to depart from the relevant guideline.

That is, to say the least, an unusual submission. It involves the proposition that in the circumstances of this case, a sentence within the guideline offence range was not within the range properly open to the judge, who was instead required to pass a sentence outside that range. We think it regrettable that, in advancing that submission, the structure and ambit of the guideline were not addressed. Nor was any sufficient explanation given why it is contended that the judge was not merely entitled to depart from the guideline but positively required to do so.

Don’t be deceived by the understated language. As many lawyers pointed out on Twitter this morning, this is as scathing as it gets. “Unusual submission” is code for “monumentally bad point”. This was “coruscating”, others added, “damning”, a “judicial kicking” and “hugely embarrassing”.


Where does all this leave Braverman now? A spokesman for the attorney general said after the ruling that she believed the sentences should be increased, but “respects the decision of the Court of Appeal”.

That’s very generous of her, given how little respect the Court of Appeal has shown for the decision of the attorney general.

I hope nobody now argues that the courts are being soft on criminals. Judges are allowed much less discretion than they had before parliament introduced sentencing guidelines to ensure fairness and consistency. And although I have always had misgivings about the unduly lenient sentence scheme, I think it serves a useful purpose in a limited number of cases.

But the scheme, like other aspects of the British constitution, relies on the powers that be knowing how to use the powers they have. I have written elsewhere about the problems of finding good lawyers to serve as law officers.

What saddens me most of all about this case is that PC Harper’s family must have been led to believe that the attorney general’s intervention would have some chance of success.

As I wrote in August:

By all means refer sentences to the Court of Appeal if you think they are way out of line. But don’t raise the hopes of the bereaved and then blame the judges when you are unable to deliver.


Back in december wasnt it?

It was also rumoured that when a no confidence vote was first being discussed and the PM meeting with MPs, Sunak and Truss were busy trying to get people to support their bids…


I’m not sure ‘typically old school Tory’ is the best option for them. He’s widely regarded as a cunt and not just because of his name.

Yeah if dishi had any backbone he would have resigned way back then - and would be a shoe in now on the back of it. He’s an absolute spineless little shite.

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I think Dominic “Nice But Dim” Raab probably holds that mantle. Thankfully I haven’t seen him mentioned so far.

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I think Sunak hasnt. Not sure about Tugenhat.

Looking at the list of candidates, it seems initial fears of them all or nearly all being terrible is coming true…i dont know enough about Tugenhat but would be surprised if he won it. Other than him Sunak might actually be the least worst option…(I cant believe i am actually saying that).

Surprised no one has mentioned Badenoch yet…

Seems like Tugendhat is the best option, but is a non starter due to not being virulently anti EU.

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Nobody knows who she is. I donknow enough about her but she comes across as a bit too veneer. I don’t know how much depth she has to her.

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That shouldn’t be an issue now but…

The one thing going for him, is having not been in the cabinete under BoJo, he could be seen as a clean start.

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Also, her name in itself should be screaming warning.

Also i’m certain it’s just me, but whenever I hear the name Suella Braverman, I always think she sounds like a poundland Floella Benjamin.