UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

For a given value of your generous interpretation of the word “clean”

Every person who has dealt with Suella Braverman as Attorney General seems to have come away with the impression that she is the single stupidest person they’ve ever met.


I wonder what would happen if the Conservatives now select a pro-EU candidate, flip their position to now support rejoining the EU or at least some sort of semi-membership, and box in Labour as the only party who are supporting the now wildly unpopular Brexit.

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Seems incredibly unlikely?

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What I mean, is that by him not having any ties or links to the BoJo government other than being a backbencher, he might be seen as the closest thing to a new start.

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Labour missed the world’s biggest political opportunity at the last election. Can’t see the winner of this being pro Europe though.

Agree it’s not going to happen, but as a thought exercise it would be interesting.

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Whoever the new PM will be I bet that 98% here will hate him/her … :joy::scream:

Yes mate, was just pointing out that any politician has only a passing association with the idea of clean. They don’t have skeletons in the closet, they have cemeteries.

Not sure anybody’s been keen on Boz? Quite liked May and did like Cameron. We’ve all fucked pigs…….

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Yeah hoping for Tugendhat too

I suspect because she is a Royal Navy reservist, her promo team think this video is a very clever reference to that fact…and that’s as far as their thinking went.

Penny Mordant tweeted out that the economy can be discussed another, right now she wants to talk about… WHAT IS A WOMAN?

Get in the fucking bin.


Good idea but that won’t go down well with Brexit Hard Man Steve Baker. Lets be clear where the power lies here.

She’s up there but they can’t have met Grayling.

“He is congenitally incapable of seeing a problem without making it very considerably worse”

Perfect description of Grayling.


Why does it make no sense? You’re defending “any individual using a clever accountant” in the very next post without a hint of irony. Those who owe a lot more taxes are likely to have more resources to get accounts, lawyers, and others to structure their taxes in such a way that enforcement is a lot harder, and have the ability to challenge HMRC (and other tax collection departments in other governments, this isn’t just a UK problem) much better than the 1000s of people who owe much less, and are more inclined to just pay up than fight it.

It’s very much a resourcing issue. Sure the benefits could be much greater (and the US IRA has argued that before) if much more resources were devoted to enforcement at a higher-level, but people keep electing corrupt representatives and/or conservatives with a vested interest in making sure the system doesn’t work. Drown the government in the bathtub, all taxation is theft, and all that.


Disagree. Based solely on the excerpt that @Kopstar posted, there really is nothing to see here. Maybe you could argue that her gender and skin colour have no relevance here, but one could argue (although I wouldn’t) that in the context of her devotion to the “culture wars”, which very much do revolve around gender and ethnicity, it does matter.

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It’s sad that for some people, that would not even be sarcasm.

Good post, I hate the fact that politicians who have been involved with some sort of scandal especially one that stinks of corruption can still be given airtime ( and this is aimed at both parties from both sides of the pond)…but then the press either ignore previous form etc or try to reinvent the politicians persona.

Genuine question, what would be the ideal solution in your opinion to make politics in this country more open and honest to serve the people ( not in the sense of policies such as Brexit, law an order etc , just to clean up the image of parliament and restore some form of trust between them and the general public?)

I knew you’d absolutely love it the moment she announced that she was running…