UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

Particularly as it already has figures for 2022. :rofl:

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No, you should have stayed banned!!!

Incredulous Bill Murray GIF by reactionseditor

So….let me get this right. One of your annoyances is that the Cons have been in power for the last 12 years and only nibbled at the loop hole. Yet you ignore the fact that Labour have had many years/periods in government and may not have even nibbled!

Is this different to any other government? Over playing their achievements?
180k dead is tragic, but again you are beating the Cons with a stick of hindsight! How many people may have died under a Labour government? It may have less, it may have been more. Who knows.

Thing is with loopholes, most people in authority dont know they exist until they get pointed out in some way. Knowing about it and not doing anything about is something completely different to not knowing about it. Can you tell me if Blair or Browns governments knew about it?

Even if they did it still doesn’t excuse Sunak’s behaviour on it.

I think it’s incredibly damaging for Sunak. It’s certainly one of the issues that turned me off him.

The government expects multinationals to not only abide with the letter of the tax code but also its spirit.

Sunak’s conduct is counter to the expectations he himself has set.


Your response is touching on :man_facepalming:t3:. You are actually amplifying my point. No, most people don’t know about these loop holes, but guess who do…. Accountants!!! People employed by individuals/businesses across the world to manage their Taxes in an efficient manner.
You can not ask me if Blair/Brown’s government knew about it because how do I know. I could ask you pretty much the same question, can you tell me whether their governments didn’t know about it??

Your point still hinges on the assumption Sunak knew about it and even then it is not illegal.

Maybe we should raise a different question, did Blair know that there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? Yet he sacrificed many a persons life on the intel he trusted.

The old Tory tactic of comparing all their misdemeanours to Blair and Iraq, as if it’s some kind of gotcha.


I do not disagree with your point. I do not want him as PM.
I despise anyone who avoids paying their taxes, tricking the system. However, does anyone know he was aware of it? Has he or his wife been charged for it? Is the practice illegal and are his family the only family that have took advantage of this?

Im not a Tory. I just find it very ‘people in glass houses’. If someone relies on Blair to justify their point of view they should accept that Blair himself was not perfect.

Like I said, you defend them a lot for someone who’s “not a Tory”…


Unethical and illegal are two separate matters. If you think someone this unethical is not disqualified for the post of Prime Minister, or any government post for that matter, then perhaps your bar is just lower.

Just don’t expect anyone to value your opinions on ethics and behaviours of politicians that well…

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You honestly dont get it do you? In what world is it ok for the Chancellor to take advantage of tax loopholes? Doesn’t matter who it is, what arty they represent, what planet they are from. His family directly profited from gaps in rules that he is responsible for, rules he knows about. How did he know? Because his wife maintained her Non Dom status long after he did. Why would she do that? Tax advantages that’s why.

In Blairs case that again has been proven that it was a really bad decision. The optics are shockingly bad. Sunak should be under similar scrutiny but you seem happy to give him a pass.

Plus I also think there are other factors that go against him becoming PM. As I said earlier I do not think he was a very good Chancellor (apart from his own families tax affairs)


Oh, because you are sure it would never of happened its taken as true. Really, this is the basis of your defence.
Starmer/Corbyn can/could not even decide on their own parties policies but you are now trying to change history by saying they both would have done a better job. Prove it with facts!! Then maybe I will understand your point of view.

Yeah, Labour may have done a better or a worse job of it, I am not ignorant. However, they were not in power through their own failings. So, we will never know and so you can not use it as a basis for your defence!

Banging my head against a brick wall here. I do not want him as PM. Read my posts maybe…
Again, if he was guilty why has he not been charged.

Well you’re not understanding the difference between something that’s unethical, and something that’s illegal. You can’t be charged for a crime if it was legal (not that I know if that non-domiciled status while living in the country was a crime to begin with).

Why do you spend so much time arguing and getting exasperated on their behalf?

Starmer would not have missed 5 COBRA meetings for starters.