UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

Lol, I don’t defend them. I think you will find that throughout my posts I have rarely defended any party. I just find it very hypocritical that a lot of people seem to know all the facts and believe that he is the first and only person in a position of power to use these loop holes. Again, even if he knew about it.

He’s been caught and is now running for PM. It should end his front bench career. THAT is the point we are making


Sorry, what point are we discussing here? Would he have ever been invited to one?

It’s not hypocritical if he’s the only one who’s actually been proven to a certain extent to be linked with such practices. Is there any other credible suggestion that there are others or is this just your prior belief?

I find it hard to believe he didn’t know about it, unless the two of them maintain their finances completely separately from each other, without even talking to each other about it.

His wife has been caught and as I understand is not facing criminal charges. Again, I do not want him as PM!!!

He had a US green card for six years while an MP, including 19 months as chancellor. Why?

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Holy cheese Batman.

As PM you chair COBRA meetings I think. Starmer would not miss the 5 COBRA meetings that Boris did at the outset of the pandemic. As a result the UK was woefully unprepared thanks to a PM who didn’t give 2 fucks about the disaster that was unfolding in Italy at the time. He then decided to follow a policy of herd immunity that most scientists were against including those in SAGE. Another group, that as PM you would sit in on.



And well done for building one of Boris’s new hospitals

Your missing the point. He may well have known about it but you can not certify that he did. Do you know how complex taxes/accounts are? Even the HMRC get it wrong!
Do you believe that someone who has multiple successful businesses, knows everything little detail of the accounts? No, you pay someone to do it for you. So, to emphasise, if the owner of the business(es)is not fully aware of the incomings, outgoings, tax implications why should their partner know? Especially, someone who has more important things to worry about?

Look, he may well have known about it, prompted it, etc. but without knowing the facts you can not state it is true.

Hang on Robin, You said Starmer wouldn’t have Missed them. I haven’t defended Boris. And again how does it relate to your point about Sunak?

You tell me and educate me on what is wrong with this. And again also tell me why he hasnt been charged….

You asked @Mascot for facts on how Starmer or Corbyn would have performed better than Boris. I couldn’t help myself and jumped in for the easy win.

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You are not discussing points in a coherent way. So turning up at a COBRA meeting means they would have made better decisions? :man_facepalming:t3:

I beg to differ

The annual death rate in the UK have barely moved off a 30yr average. maybe if you want to take the crude mortality rate in comparison to the nation’s population, it’s bang in the middle. Because, mathematics don’t lie.


No, not always. Sometimes the PM isn’t expected to be there at all.

Not right. He followed the advice of SAGE. Was it Ferguson’s modeling? It took about 3 weeks for SAGE to realise the modeling was off.

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Uh yeah. At least the PM Would have been paying attention. FFS The COBRA Meeting sets up the UK’s response to a crisis. Kind of critical that the PM attends one for a pandemic I would have thought.

And how long did it take for Boris to change tack exactly? Far longer than 3 weeks from memory.

Again, where is the relevance?

  1. You can not state that Corbyn/Starmer would have attended every meeting.

  2. You can not state that having attended these meetings they would of made better decisions.

You can not form a basis of defence on ifs and maybes.

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But your asking us to develop something hypothetical in the first place. The only answer is one that is based on their respective attitudes to the jobs they do. Starmer clearly takes his job far more seriously than Boris ever has.

Your point doesn’t rely on facts, it is hypothetical which is what I am trying to get you to understand. You can not go proclaiming Starmer/Corbyn would have done a better job because you don’t know that as fact. You can say that you believe they would have done a better job as then its your opinion but again you would have to back that up with reasoning.

I am not saying in any way you are wrong. I am just asking you to provide proof that they would of handled the situation better, as you suggest. Unfortunately, you can not because they were not in government.
So, yes they may well have done a better job in their response to Covid, but at the same time they may have made decisions which resulted in more deaths. As it never happened we will never know, so to suggest that their response would have resulted in less deaths and a better economic outlook is baseless.