UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

Your argument (x100) is that the Tories fucked up, but Labour may have fucked up also. What’s the point?


FFS!!! :sob:

If you work it out please let me know.

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You are right but I think on the balance of the available evidence it’s a safe assumption to make.

If you followed PMQ’s during the pandemic you could see that. Starmer would be asking why X hasn’t been done, why aren’t you considering Y. Boris was always late. This is evidenced by Drakeford and Sturgeon pretty much always being ahead of him in Wales and Scotland respectively. In fact I’d go as far as saying that any competent, serious MP would have performed better.

The big question is by how much. Given that significant numbers of the population have shifted to the political extremes anything could have happened

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what a load of shit

as a director you are ultimately responsible for your tax position.

yes you pay people. but your signature isnt just for artistic flair…its you signing off on your responsibility to the government

hiding behind the old ‘i pay people to do that’ may work on customer service applications, but it doesnt fly when you are talking Tax obligations.


So let me get this straight.

  1. I make a criticism of the government, and you decide the correct response to that is to selectively quote something I said, and subsequently apologised for, three years ago in an effort to embarrass me.

  2. @ISMF then suggests we both drop it, and move on. I agree and suggest we drop it.

  3. At some point after this, you go back to your post and edit it to include a screenshot of my comments from three years ago, again stripped of their context. As the forum they were posted on no longer exists, it has obviously taken some effort to find it.

You’re a fucking weirdo sometimes.

Perhaps you’d like to dredge up the subsequent post where I apologised for my careless language and clarified my meaning. Any hope? Or doesn’t that suit your bizarre, vindictive agenda.


You guys need to go out into the playground for a scrap and get it over with


You can’t get over anything with @kopstar. You try, but he just brings it up again three years later.

He sounds like my wife

So rather than drop it as Ismf suggests you continue it here and then throw insults?

Surely you can take it to pm and request they take the post down?

I had dropped it.

But, you’re right will DM in future. I just don’t like being attacked like this, and I do feel the need to defend myself.

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Yeah I understand Mascot, I don’t think any of us likes being attacked tbh, and I’ve been guilty many a time over the years, and apologise if anyone was insulted.

We ain’t a bad group of people here all in all, just sometimes we get angry because we all think we are right in our beliefs…

Anyways enjoy the weather, tell close ones they are loved , grab a drink and enjoy the fact it’s Friday :beers:

And after utd announced they are back after winning their cl final against us the other day, maybe ask John where the money is for us to rebuild the squad ?



The real issue here is, and the point that is pertinent to Johnson is not that he didn’t attend COBRA meetings - although he should have. It was obvious that a really serious crisis was rolling towards us across Europe.

The bigger problem is why Johnson missed those early meetings. Once you know that, you can’t escape the conclusion that we lost early momentum, and people lost their lives, because Boris Johnson can’t keep his dick in his trousers.

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You saying Boris should’ve turned up naked to Cobra meetings :joy:

100% but even when the pandemic was in full swing he dithered and delayed, clearly not wanting to sway from his core Telegraph devised beliefs that nothing was the best course of action. He started behind the curve and despite numerous opportunities to get ahead he spurned them all.

I’d also add that this largely extends to the bunch he had surrounded himself with in cabinet. Some of which are now running for PM.

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When is the third round voting :ballot_box:?

They’ve got to do a strictly celebrity bake off tv extravaganza next

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Mon 18th July. They’re doing a televised debate tonight.

They should all be hooked up to a polygraph.

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