UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

That’s what I thought too but I can’t see how she got into this position without some backing from somewhere.

i dont follow UK politics that closely…the history of it even less.

can i ask…as i just assumned it was true sghe was a shop keepers daughter…is she not from a working class background?

The whole class thing is so complex. Thatcher came from a lower middle class background. Her dad was a shopkeeper, but by no means rich. She wasn’t from the upper class private school background that is so prevalent in UK government, but she also wasn’t from the working class that traditionally made up Labour support until 1980. Make no mistake though, she was an evil bitch from hell.


So I disagree with your point of view and therefore I am a Tory. sarcastic clap. Try reading what I have said.
I have never defended him regarding the Tax scenario, I believe - please feel free to prove otherwise - all I have tried to say is that in the eyes of the majority of posters on this forum he is guilty. Guilty of what? Again, why is he or his wife bot facing charges. Maybe you know something they don’t :man_shrugging:t3:. If so share it.

So your point is Starmer could have done a better job on the basis he is more punctual?
Were Wales and Scotland ahead of England? I am not saying they weren’t but your statement has no facts, so please provide them.

Thank you for you insight. Maybe you should enlighten us further….are you saying that every other business knows every ‘I’ dotted or ‘t’ crossed? So people like Musk know’s the ins and outs of every contract in his businesses? Give me a break!

Sorry I missed the facts in this post.

Wealth is relative, she grew up very comfortably and pretended she was on the breadline. Compared to other Tories then sure she was from a more modest background, but to say she was working class was laughable. She was far more comfortable than the majority of the public.



  1. Starmer would have taken the impending pandemic more seriously as Italy was being battered. As evidenced by his comments and questions at the time.

  2. it is likely that Starmer would have taken a more balanced view other than reading what the Telegraph said. Evidenced by Cummings

  3. it is likely that Starmer would have utilised available resources rather than waiting for Tory members to create shell companies for PPE supplies. We’re still paying a fortune for PPE storage that we can’t use by the way.

  4. given that Labour are in power in Wales it is fair to assume that there would be some joined up thinking not the Wales moves first England follows 2 weeks later that we actually saw. So yes Wales did perform better imo.

I swear now your doing this purely for the sake of creating an argument. No offence.


I don’t understand the sarkyness here. Sunak’s tax status in the UK wouldn’t be a simple matter of dotting the i’s or crossing the t’s it would be a significant factor in what his entitlements or obligations under the tax system are, wouldn’t it?

Someone like Musk may not know every detail of the contracts in his businesses, but he will know exactly who he can speak to to find out what ever he needs to know.

Watching PMQs. Boris might be a hideous excuse for a human being with the morals of a magpie and the work ethic of a dead sloth but he is good at talking bollocks at the dispatch box. Knows his brief too. Off you go Boz, will you get a round of applause???

Knows his brief at talking bollocks? He’s what I would class as a bluffer - either being aggressive or showing fake confidence in whatever he is saying and then rapidly changing the subject. He doesn’t appear to have ever read up on any of the subjects that he is meant to be addressing and simply makes up any old rubbish on the spot. Actually, he does appear to have read up on how threadbare the British constitution is because he has pissing all over those “honerable member” conventions from day one.


Hasta la vista, baby. He can play a crowd, no question.

It’s his own toading bloody MPs. He’s an absolute fucking disgrace that has dragged the entire country into a quagmire of shit.


At least we know she likes a good British ham and cheese sanger.

Yes but crazy hair and Borisisms make it all OK in the end.

Cunt should have swung for the parties….

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I have seen that pork markets comment so many times, still cannot stop laughing whenever I see it.

I honestly don’t think I have ever seen such a moment where someone’s charisma deficit is so starkly on display.

I do wonder if she’s perhaps towards aspergers on the spectrum.