UK Politics Thread (Part 2)

Actually the worst one was that cheese speech. She seemed to be very proud about insisting that cheese was included in a trade deal with Japan, seemingly oblivious to the fact that the Japanese have one of the highest rates of lactose intolerance in the world.

I expect she is looking for countries that we don’t send much pork to now so she can claim them as potential emerging pork markets. I expect Saudi is up there.

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They also have a fairly prominant cheese industry which largely makes french style cheeses as there is little demand for English style hard cheeses.

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Yes he can, but he doesn’t know his brief.

He repeatedly falls back on shouting a few greatest hits. He’s a spoofer.

In fact hi reluctance to familiarise himself with even a small amount of the information necessary to do his work is legendary.


Once more for posterity:

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I completely agree with you. Moving your mouth doesn’t mean you can play to a crowd. When he’s got nothing valuable to say, which is always, then he’ll have the 3 things he claims are ‘successes’ in his eyes. The bobble headed dogs behind him just encourage him to use the same useless content next time. Waste of time.

Truss on the other hand seems incapable to even have the ability to string two sentences together so it will be interesting to watch her if she makes PM.

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You’re at such an advantage at PMQs, and in politics generally, if you’re a liar, ignorant and arrogant

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The fact that you can continually lie and no-one can call you out on it or they’ll be removed is a fucking joke.

Its easy to fact check Johnson’s BS but for an occasional viewer of PMQs who probably will be the difference in an election would see it and take the BS at face value.


So it’s out of Sunak or Truss. Think Sunak is the better option out of those two.

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Not sure either would be nailed on to win a general election if they just carry on with the way things have been going.

At this point you should be asking which one will do the least damage. It could actually be the most inept one.

Cynically, I think Sunak would be the more effective choice.


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That’s like being asked if you want to lose your left testicle or right testicle.

The sane response should normally be “I’d rather a new question with new answers”

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Although it’s a poor reason and only brings very fleeting joy, but I’d love it if Truss won simply because we know Sunak was tactically using his supporters to vote Truss to help her get to the final two because he feels she’s the least threatening. It would be nice to see him lose against her.

And to be fair although Sunak is pretty bad as well, I think Truss would be nailed on to lose at the next GE.


Rishi Vs Truss. David vs Goliath?


I’ve got nothing more to say to you on this matter.

There’s a saying, when someone shows you who they are, believe it. It’s pretty clear what you are.

Good day to you sir.

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tory boy GIF

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Pro - not a total idiot
Cons - out of touch, tainted, dodgy

Pro - ???
Cons - where to start?


In this very limited case I am with Sunak

I wouldn’t touch Truss with a ten foot bargepole

Silver lining - I think Penny would have been a shoe in to beat Starmer in an election, these two I’m not so sure.

Brutal choice. Tories and the billionaire media barons could probably sell Sunak to the masses and win an election.

Truss would surely deliver power to Labour in an election. Absolute state of her.

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