UK Politics Thread (Part 2)


actually, after watching these pictures, i am a bit torn. What could possibly go wrong? :upside_down_face:

Tbh, I somehow like her in that pink outfit, weird.


You’re continuously comparing historical fact with what might have happened

Are you for real, please provide evidence of this.
I am not the one suggesting Starmer, or any other politician would of handled things better.
You are missing the point of a debate.

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Largely because she has a nice smile and swing voters are fickle. But she’s also an assertive communicator and a brexiteer.

Sunak is short and Truss is a terrible communicator so boring Starmer might stand a chance. I think British elections always boil down to the first impressions of the swing voters.

A post-Brexit Corbyn would have wiped the floor with either of them

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Off topic, but how exactly do you expect someone to present facts that prove a counterfactual? The whole point of the discussion is distinct from what actually happened.


Thats called an opinion.

On another note, how am I expected to accept an argument that is not backed by factual evidence?
I could state that if I was prime minister I would have done a better job than anyone else, would you accept that as a valid argument???

Star Trek Reaction GIF

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You have more faith in the British electorate than I do!

Corbyn was just as effective at getting people out to vote against him as he was getting them out to vote for him. I don’t think that would have changed.


Is that your substitute for an answer? Because, you don’t have a valid argument? It is obviously easier for you to dismiss my point of view, rather than form your own.

If you are after an educated response then you are wasting your time. You are engaging with a poster who accused me of comparing historical facts to what may have happened
.I am sure you will see the hypocrisy here.

Your missing a vital point in your observation here.
We are British!
in winter, our transport network grinds to a halt at the mention of snow. In Autumn our train network shudders at the thought of falling leaves. In Summer, the slight mention of Sun, means we all jump into our cars and head to the nearest beach, usually resulting in hours spent in a traffic jam.
We like to moan but then at the same time, we will never raise an issue if our steak is over cooked or someone pushes infront of us in a que :rofl:

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so when is expected to be the final round of voting for the PM?

Cartoon Popcorn GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants

If the United Kingdom was a football club, it would be Everton. It’s been a undeniable shambles. Toxicity, incompetence, spunking millions, and blaming everyone else.

Their leadership team could not have done much worse if they tried. From the outside looking in they look a basket case of a club. When Klopp took over Everton were 7th, Liverpool 10th. They have since spent 670M. (Until this window more than us) they have had 9 managers. FFP risks and must be one of the prime candidates next year for relegation.

Almost any other leadership team would do better. That’s how shit they have been. Members of TAN could do a better job!

Now apply that analogy to the UK.

It’s hard to imagine someone doing a shitter job running the UK government. It’s not so much people arguing that Starmer would do a better job. More so anyone with basic level of morals, integrity and honesty would have been better.


I’m looking forward to the skeletons in the cupboard coming out for both of them. Let’s start with Truss:


You’re not equating this to the Depp/Heard thing are you? This is serious!

I beg to differ. I offered evidence, you chose to ignore it.

Simple truth is Harry Rednaps grandmother would have probably done a better job than Boris. It’s honestly not that difficult to have done better.

I’d put my money comfortably on you as a site manager being able to do a better job than Johnson.


Of course not! NEVER!

I Should Go Reaction GIF by Bounce