UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

More deserving than Boris. At least she’s not an absolute cnut.

I wonder how @Klopptimist voted? :thinking:


Guardian columnist. Next?

I came across a phrase a while ago, " Sadopopulism", which describes a form of government whereby the needs of the population are not met but power is maintained by making sure that other people, usually an out-group of some sort, are treated worse.

If you can’t afford a house then those in a lower socioeconomic group can’t afford rent.
If you can’t afford rent then those further down can’t afford heat.
If you can’t afford heat then those lower down can’t afford food.
If you can’t afford food, then those lower down aren’t allowed to beg.

At no point does society try to improve the lot of anyone other than the super-rich who, naturally, deserve all their riches entirely due to their own hard work.

We see this all over. Brexit, Putin, Trump. At no point do they actually try to improve anything - they just fuck it up for the “out” group.


I thought we were supposed to consume?
One things for sure with such a mentality the country can only sink further.

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April Fool…oh sorry its August…and this will never happen.

Sorry didn’t want to derail the transfer threads to much, but read this (bit dated but still relevant to me anyway).

Taking the issue away from individual politics, reading this just makes me wish I could have talked to shanks in the pub , man way ahead of his time.


and yet he would be an absolute dinosaur in the football of today. He disliked the chairmen enough when they were the mill owner in a one-factory town. Could not even have imagined the modern club owners. Can you imagine trying to convince him over a pint “No, no, Shanks, these American hedge fund operators and VCs are the GOOD kind of owner these days…”

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True , but then he could have convinced anyone that no they are beyond evil and we’d have listened as he would have articulated in such a way we’d have agreed.

except he could probably do it for 20 owners in the PL…

Interesting read, that; thanks for sharing.

supporters need to become more vocal and more active in shaping the future of the game and the clubs they love.

Therein lies the problem: in order to have influence these days, you need to have money. Sure, fans can boycott matches or refuse to buy merchandise, but there’ll always be plenty of people queuing up to replace them.

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More likely to meet him in the local cafe… thing is… Shanks never drank alcohol - :0)

And a fanbase isn’t just a town and the immediate surrounding area any more. It’s just as likely as those buying the merch are on the other side of the planet.

TBH, this is why I enjoy going to lower league matches. You still get that authenticity. Oh yeah, and tickets for that matter.


I know, I saw that video a while back that dane posted , that was insightful, was just the reference to having banter in a pub and listening to one of the wisest people football ever produced.

Thanks for sharing @odin_telamon

This is interesting, it’s evidence that in general, people do want to support net zero initiatives, even among the Brexit/Conservative voters, but it’s the individual policies and worries about the costs that are a problem.

This definitely should be an angle for the Lib Dems, if not Labour, to attack.


They should review the policies used when introducing smokeless zones.

That ultimately improved people’s lives but it impacts the poorest most. They are the ones that need the assistance.


A further lurch to the right from the Tory Lite party…

I’m hoping that Starmer is going to change tack if he gets into Number 10, although I won’t be holding my breath.



The proposals have union (albeit not Unite) and TUC support.