UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

A recent Radio 4 program was fascinating in that MPs were asking to have puppets made of them, they wanted the fame.

What you like me to say? The monarchy are good for the country?

He seems to be doing well a year on.

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He has the biggest shoes in recent times to fill. He’s not got it wrong yet which is encouraging.


What do you expect when they have to serve on so many Kermitties?

Expectations were so low that he could hardly help but exceed them

Speak quite literally for yourself. I was expecting a quite heavy handed environmental stance but he’s done perfectly in that he’s done pretty much nothing controversial.

The only thing I have really seen was his German visit, which appears to have been a diplomatic triumph; and the King’s speech, in which he appeared to genuinely empathise with ordinary people - actually quite an achievement when you are one of the richest people in the country and literally live in a palace.

I think he has kept his environmental interests but that should be alined with the nation’s interests. I think what I was worried about is that he would be treated as an extension of the Tory Party but he has mostly managed to resist that.

It is, you’re right.

I’m always asked, “how long will it last?” :see_no_evil:

Despite the legal requirements that exist now, nowhere near enough is done. Many are still not aware of the requirements.

Comes down to who’s paying? We all happy with a 2% VAT rise? Now? Probably not a vote winner and right now, the government is putting oil on the water and picking the low hanging fruit. Staying in power is their priority, not kids’ safety.

It’s the trap you fall into with austerity during ‘good’ times. When the ‘bad’ times come you have no room for manoever which is the whole point.
So no it’s not about who’s paying it’s about who’s managing, how and when!
In a democracy it also comes down to the education of those voting which influences voting tendancies!

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Everyone pays ultimately. Understand your point about government current tactics but it’s not only them.

As I’ve said before the UK is horrendously inefficient with the cash it makes. The wastage and more recently corruption is crazy.

Was it only the other day that I saw a company linked to Keegan’s, the health secretary, husband received a million pound contract related to the schools and RAAC?


Western media lead the public to think that corruption only happens in third world countries. If only that were true…


Got to admit the stuff that’s gone on these last 4 years in particular has honestly shocked me. But if a wake up call to be honest.

Such a little snowflake.

I’m sure it has. I was just not aware of it.

That follows a good time, not sure I’d say Rishi was like that.

Alex Chalk (Secretary of State for Justice) has actually just tried to place the blame for the current prison crisis on Labour.



Does that line even still work? I’m fairly certain that polling suggests that the public at large blame the Conservatives anyway, and that they think that the Conservatives push too much blame on others instead of taking responsibility…

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