UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

So what would the repercussions be if the government ignored the SC?

Jailtime for ministers? A slap on the wrist and told they’re a naughty boy? Being banned from holding government office?

It is actually a constitutional crisis. With what authority is an order of the Supreme Court enforced?

The buffoon is actually calling for the end of the rule of law.


Pound shop Trump-wannabe.

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Bar room bigot. Occasional taxi driver, maybe?

That’s what I was thinking too. This is an opportunist who looks over the pond, sees that saying these kind of things and behaving that way seems to work, and so he tries it out for himself.

Which is exactly what Braverman was doing as well.

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Yeah, although I’ve just seen that this guy has been an avid follower of Tommy Robinson, so he’s maybe more than just an opportunist.

Braverman is a truly horrible person, agreed.

He isn’t too far from where I live. Absolutely thick as pig shit, but the racists love him.

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Being racist seems to be more important trait than IQ in getting to the very top of this government

Sorry for the late reply. Nuts day and I see things have moved on so I’ll try and be brief.

I agree a 150 page method statement is useless and I’d actively argue you’re doing it wrong if you’ve got one. And yes I know they exist. Daft.

Stuff is getting better but people still need telling which is partly why we’ve ended up talking about here. You cannot trust all people to make the right decision for their own welfare and those around them. It’s sad but true.

But to come back to Sunak. The H&S legislation just says that you need to have identified the risks and put in place a safe method work that mitigated those risks as reasonably practicable. The burden of proof is on you.

Sunak, as chancellor, ignored scientific advice and allowed and encouraged people to mingle in an atmosphere that likely increased their risk of illness or worse. Similarly Johnson wilfully ignored the obvious risk to public health that was obvious from happenings in Italy.

They get crown immunity which with such a serious outcome really makes me question whether a future government should look at look at that carefully.

That’s before we get to the whole PPE procurement stuff. I honestly think they should be in jail. Government should not be used as a position to abuse as this bunch have done.


The reality is they did consider the risks

It’s just lives we’re not deemed that important


I think I’m right in saying that note was written before " eat out to help out".

Makes it worse I guess. Happy to be corrected on the timing of course.

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‘Eat out to help out’ was Summer 2020, that note was from March 2020 when the UK was briefly deciding to ‘take it on the chin’. The summer decision was even more inexplicable, simply because no one truly knew what the best course of action was in March 2020, it was all more or less educated guesses as we were only starting to understand more about the virus, the effects, and possible cures/vaccines.

But by July 2020 it was very clear that ‘take it on the chin’ was a catastrophic failure, and the thinking behind lockdowns was sounder from an epidemiological perspective. That was why a policy that continued to encourage riskier behaviour in the name of minimizing economic damage was so astonishing to the rest of the world - it simply wasn’t going to work in economic terms if it did not work in epidemiological terms. It just pushed the UK toward needing another lockdown more quickly.

That’s an awful ‘opinion’ piece. France will never let Europe forget that it was Cameron who pissed us all off!
Macron is still here even if the UK can not see him.
One thing I will never forget is Hollandes face when he came out of a meeting with Cameron, it said it all ‘if he wasn’t PM of UK he’d be dead now!’ :rofl:

Just to say the EU will never trust Cameron and he can beg for the rest of his life no serious european politician will even listen to the tweerp!


I saw a comment that Cameron was a good choice to start building bridges with Europe and create a more constructive relationship. He’ll have to do some done fucking grovelling first!

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Yep, the harm he did would have gone through a lot of departments civil services in EU and EU countries. He is not the man to build brides as he was the one that blew them up in the 1st place. It really is English attitude coming through, they really didn’t understand anything and never will.
Now Theresa May would have been a bridge builder however I don’t think she would touch this government with a barge pole, it being so shit!

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Completely unnecessary mess he made of that.

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What I don’t get is that his job from now till the election is essentially to be as vanilla as possible. I’ll rib about the Tories winning another landslide but we all know what’s going to happen. He literally just needs to keep his head down, do the right things and not fuck up. Is it just a politician thing that they’re incapable of scoring an open goal from 6 inches?

As per the Dr above, the solution is always sitting down, talking and stoping fighting.