UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

Could have put this here or in the climate thread; think this thread is more appropriate:

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I donā€™t think they even do that. They merely tell people that they will do bad things to people that they donā€™t like.

Just take all these people that want to scrap human rights bills. Who, in their right mind, would want to lose their basic civil rights? However, all they care about is that it can be used to attack immigrants / trade unionists / single mothers / travellers or whoever they are blaming their personal problems on that week.


No money for poor people, but Ā£40m for helicopters for a few peopleā€™s personal use.

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Of course they did, thatā€™s why Medpro were given the contract.

Not the sharpest tool here is she? Still if she causes more grief for the Toryā€™s keep going.

Any idea what this character has been up to?

The fact that they havenā€™t said what the alleged breach is seems to indicate that itā€™s rather sensitive at the moment. Has she been coming out with antisemitic claptrap again?

This is ridiculous. All results from the trials that Iā€™ve seen before suggest that productivity is increased, and even potentially that councils can deliver more than they used to.

But no, one cannot have these uppity working-class peons getting ideas above their stations?


ill tread lightly here becuase i dont want to be seen as the new Klopptomistā€¦butā€¦

im going to assume that the four day working week is in its formative years as a progression, with data flying about everywhereā€¦

people will grab onto the positives, and the friendly data and stats, and run with it, becuase, lets face it, a four day working week would be awesome.

but should it be activated by a government body right now? id imagine not.

i realise who wastes the most amount of taxpayer funds, but the overall point is, council workers shouldnt be used as the guinea pigs for such a dramatic change to the labour force.

lots of things might be a factor hereā€¦using the construction industry in vic which has a 9 day working fortnight in the union sector, (with the rigid RDOs being virtually just time in Luei (SIC)) what CAN happen is that as projects hit critical phase, overtime goes up, to achieve the same amount of productivity a 10 day fortnight would achieve.

point being, surely, even as blue collar workers ourselves, we should be treading carefully when a public service not universally known for its great work ethic, self determines it will be more productive to reduce the amount of days it works in a week.

not saying its a bust idea, just saying i can see why a federal government would oppose the idea as a default position

It has been used in the private sector successfully and leads to an increase in productivity. If they are preventing councils from trialling it then that is just micro management that this Tory government is habitually guilty of.

They have also opposed home office working which, again, has been shown to increase productivity and greatly reduces costs.

The only thing that they should insist on is that the findings of the trial are shared with other government departments.


Horses for courses I think.
Iā€™m working a 4 day week now, actually closer to 6 due to resourcing issues and project demands but at least Iā€™m paid the overtime.

Iā€™ve previously worked a 9 day fortnight in the private sector (engineering consultant). That also worked.

Can I see a motorway widening scheme use it for example? No, they are often termed as lane rental so every hour is worked. Could someone like the NHS adopt it? Maybe but you need to address the overall resource issue beforehand.

Just to add the UK government position on this has nothing to do with productivity or work ethic. Itā€™s a resource issue they want under the carpet.


Iā€™m struggling to understand why you think they should not be used as the guinea pigs?

The trial wasnā€™t casually thrown in there like the things the Conservative government loves to do. The trial was specifically designed such that council service delivery would not be compromised, and I believe when they mention productivity increases, I think they are saying that more gets delivered in a 4 day work week than a 5 day work week.

I donā€™t think theyā€™ve self-determined that, have they? Again, this is not the Tory government inventing stuff they want to believe. This is a trial that was put into place, with the findings reported according to the metrics they were measuring originally.


It is awesome. My organisation has been doing it for a year, and we havenā€™t looked back. Nothing but positives have come out of it.

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Ah, these neo.conservative ā€˜think-tanksā€™ (in other words, propaganda-factories) are still around I see:

A public service doesnā€™t work as it should? ā€˜Well letā€™s destroy itā€™, will always be their answer.

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Historically, I believe the Nuffield Trust has been a strong advocate for public health care. I donā€™t believe they are a neo-conservative organization. I have seen some of their work in the international comparisons of health systems and outcomes. Their position might now just be given the current circumstances, the public system can no longer be expected to reach everyone.


As Arminius says they are not a right wing think tank but a well respected research body.

Their piece from what I can see in that BBC link is not calling for the break up of NHS dentistry per se but saying it might be the only option given how far investment has already fallen, and the wide range of demands on future government funds. To scale back up to match demand wonā€™t happen overnight.

On this point, yes. Truss an Kwarteng are members of one. Implementing the beliefs of that group as policy turned out really well.

Werenā€™t there some others also preaching some real untruths and dangerous BS during the pandemic recently? I canā€™t remember the name of them now.

They seem like breeding grounds for political extremism to me.

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Bravo SNP.
Looking forward to your impending removal.

Are you refering to the Scottish budget and the new tax bands?

I doubt that tax on higher earners will do it. Thatā€™s probably quite popular with their voter base.