UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

SNP doing a good enough hatchet job on themselves lately.

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I don’t have a particularly great record with political predictions, but this is where I think we are at.

Reform are not a serious electoral prospect, and the goal of them is to pull the Tories to the right, and provide a pathway for people like Farage and Anderson to take control of the Tory Party.

I think in the end they will get what they want from the Tories, who will cave in to their demands fearing a wipeout, withdraw their candidates, and advise their supporters to vote Tory. I wouldn’t be surprised to see Nigel Farage leading a hard right quasi-fascist Tory Party by 2030.

Essentially Reform is the same people as the Brexit Party, and it’s exactly what they did in 2019.


The whole UK system needs reform to move away from FPTP.

That way parties other than the big two will get more of a proportionate say, and the prospect of compromise, collaboration and coalition increases.

When I lived there it often felt like my vote didn’t matter as the race was already run.


Surely « Horror » or « Comedy » even!

Agreed the whole system is tilted towards gaining power and after that you’re almost free to push forward with any batshit idea you can come up with e.g. Rwanda.

That wont happen overnight but an equally important but difficult thing would be to go after the lobbying rules, second jobs etc.

Meanwhile in Wales this will be voted on. Interesting to see who will vote against it. Policing it though, sounds “difficult”.

Law to ban politicians from lying backed by two-thirds of public, poll shows.

Don’t know if it has already been posted/discussed

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This made me laugh
 Brilliant :0)



I did see something about it yesterday. Twitter turned into a racist bin fire shortly afterwards.

It would appear that he ditched all the policies agreed with the minority Green Party and then told them that they weren’t required. They then informed him that parliamentary mathematics meant that they were required and he had little choice other than to say, “I’ll get me coat.”

I’m not sure how this will pan out. It’s perfectly possible to have a minority government in Scotland so long as some of the other parties can proceed with their own agenda. The former Conservative leader, Annabel Goldie, was very good at that.

Yes, He dropped the commitments. Greens I think were going to ask their members to vote whether they should remain in the government (with a view to leaving), Yousaf decided to act first and kick them out. Sensing blood in the water, Opposition parties announced they would all be putting in or supporting a no confidence vote. He stepped down.


That seems rather odd. If the ÂŁ760m figure is so unclear, why was there a rush to act the way they have?

I think it’s because they have the burden to make sure their budget is balanced? I’m not 100% sure, and that’s what the article is questioning too.


This suggests that no one has a clue at all.

Anyone voting in the local elections today, especiallyin London area?

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Hope to, but will depend how tired I am when I get home at 8-8:30pm and if I can be arsed to head to the local polling station.

Then I need to decide who to vote for. Can’t vote for torries as they are cunts, and not convinced by Khan, so not sure I could vote for him again. Any other vote is pretty much a waste so in a bit of a pickle


I thought you just put them in preference order anyway. Or do you mean that you aren’t fussed on any of the candidates?

Not fussed on Khan or a tory led council

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It’s a two-horse race.

You either vote for Khan or you get the fucking Tories.


There is Count Binface :see_no_evil:

I am grudgingly voting Labour and Khan :frowning_face: Or i could spoil my ballot paper with 2 fingers!

We don’t have great choices.
That failed actor tosser Laurence Fox is on my ballot paper.