UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

I was going to say that it is a single transferable vote, but it looks like they have changed it to FPTP.

That seems a remarkably backward step as before you could at least see what the relative support for Lib Dem or Green or whatever was.


Serious question - What do they realistically hope to achieve?
Bet a large section of them just along for a Glastobury esque jolly and updating their Tik Tok popularity.

I’d expect they are trying to change their university’s policies around Israel and Gaza.

Doesn’t seem to be any mention of the university policies on Israel or Gaza in the only statement I can find from the protest organisers.

It literally says they are protesting about Gaza in the first paragraph of the article you posted.

Yes, I can read :roll_eyes:

It doesn’t say anything about the policies of the university as you suggested.
I know there are protests, everywhere, every day about the Gaza conflict.
I was genuinely curious as to what this particular tent encampment protest was hoping to achieve

You certainly can’t Google.

In Manchester, protesters said 50 students had set up camp, demanding that the university end its partnership with BAE Systems and other arms companies, cut its ties with Tel Aviv University and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and stop all “unethical research”.

I asked a question, I got an answer.
Albeit with the usual dollop of smugness and supercilliousness.
How’s my spelling?

I think this…

…revealed that your motive wasn’t innocent curiosity.

One ‘l’ in superciliousness, by the way. :+1:

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As I’m clearly useless at using Google, perhaps someone can point me in the direction of all the protests against the university policies, which took place prior to the awful October attacks by Hamas.

Or were people ok with the supply of weapons, but only not ok with it until Israel actually started using them?

For clarity, strongly disagree with the actions of Israel.

But not as much as you disapprove of students protesting, because they are probably on tik tok or something?

For your information, pretty much all student unions have Palestinian solidarity campaign groups and have for decades. I was at uni in the late nineties and there was a very strong Palestinian solidarity group.

The current situation is inevitably going to have driven more interest in action.

Ok, I get all that.

Israeli treatment of Palestine has been awful for decades, thats fairly common knowledge.

Surely if your feelings towards a certain universities ties with organisations which supply arms to Israel were strong enough, it would stop you from wanting to be enrolled there in the first place?

They’ve switched it to FPTP.

As a professor I have full solidarity with the students. Obv there are a minority that jump on any protest. But the vast majority in US and UK are doing what they can to protest genocide. So many leaders (including professors) are afraid to speak out. But students are doing so despite the risk to their future studies and careers.


Yeah, I noticed that. Seems like a bizarre decision. I can only imagine that they thought the only chance was to turn it into a 2 horse race.

Loads of stories starting to emerge about people being turned away from the polling station over ID issues.

I feel sick :cry:

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It’s been well documented for long enough that this should have been sorted already. Not really any excuse for not having the correct id when this has been something that was in the news minimum 12-18 months ago.

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Is there any patten to it? I’ve heard some confusion that over 60’s bus passes are allowed but not those to anyone younger. Given that is likely to be most common with those not having a driving license it seems to be a bit of an oversight.

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Not sure that was down to oversight… :wink: