UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

I don’t blame them. The last time a PM actually answered a question must be at the point of falling out of living memory.


I think that’s irrelevant, it shows you exactly the personalities of these people. Not scripted speeches (although they are mostly pre-prepared sadly) so we get to see what they’re actually like. You never get that at conferences or press releases. If you’re not paying attention to the cut and thrust of politics, get the fuck out of the polling booth. Otherwise you’re probably just voting for your parent’s party or the one with the nicest hat.

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Coming from you,
Super League Money GIF by Anderson .Paak

Consulting Make It Rain GIF by SHOWTIME

macaulay culkin 90s GIF

How does paying attention influence your own voting? Your posting here suggests you would never vote Labour no matter what their policies, and you’d side with the Tories if the devil himself was in charge

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Some people have important jobs to go to, they can’t spend their afternoons watching daytime telly.


Based on things I’ve previously read, watching PMQs is more likely to result in voter apathy than helping them make up their mind. And for those who’ve already made up their mind, it sure as shit isn’t going to change it.


less than 3 years from when EVERYONE was saying…if you’re sick, stay home.

My missus has had glaucoma for years.
She had every drop available and none stopped her eye pressures rising.
She’s had trabeculotomy procedures in both eyes.
The right one worked, the left one didn’t.
She’s had several ‘needlings’ to help the left eye procedure work, no success.
Finally had an aqueous shunt implanted.
But, in the words of her consultant, Covid has stolen your vision.
If regular 3 monthly follow up appointments had been available, they’d have taken the decision to operate before the condition deteriorated as much as it did.

She’s now had to surrender her driving licence as she can’t meet the eyesight requirements.

Exactly. If you think politicians are out-of-touch buffoons, then watching their half-pissed guffawing and smug grinning is likely to put you right off voting

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Sorry to hear that. Is there any chance of her getting further treatment soon?


Nothing more can be done.
Cant make glaucoma better, as long as her pressure stay low, it wont get worse.

Has to be said they do work hard though, well some of them anyway.

Sunak went from PMQs to addressing a big audience in Belfast this afternoon. Admittedly it was a decent speech and went down well with the crowd who mostly detest the Tories. I was sitting beside Dominic Grieve.

Well then you’ve missed my multiple posts that say I’d possibly vote for AR. She’s got balls.

But carry on judging me on your opinion not what I actually post.

I don’t have any opinion on you apart from what you post, as that’s all I know of you

Well then actually read my posts. If AR took over the Labour party, I’d be very tempted to vote for her.

Obstruction?! Why should he give up personal information? On what grounds? Complete bullshit

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So vote for her then. She is the deputy leader. In terms of policy she wouldn’t be that far off Starmer.


Have to agree with this. By focusing on the wrong things, Labour is just legitimising the rightwing agenda.

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