UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

Stephen bush wrote something similar in the FT but more balanced - the conservative voting areas had a higher number of votes than expected while labour areas i think lower. Add the drop across the country from muslim voters no longer backing labour this week and it suggested a conservative win was looking a strong possibility.


Ta dude, will look it up.

Who said it in the Grauniad, @redalways?

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Ha! I actually remember seeing some of this thread at 5am or something this morning (have the 2yr-old to thank for being awake that early)…

The entire tone and framing makes it look like Laura submits her copy in crayon…


It was the live blog.

And here we go…

How many years until the UK has a RWNJ Tory/Reform leader of its very own screaming ‘RIGGED!!!’ in the media??


Kelvin MacKenzie was doing similar with Sadiq Khan yesterday, except it was deeply racist and I’m frankly not going to share anything from that piece of shit.


"The Conservatives are now regularly polling at a vote share worse than they endured when John Major was heading towards his doom, worse than Boris Johnson following Partygate and worse even than Liz Truss in the immediate aftermath of the maxi-disaster of the “mini-budget”.

Goodnight Vienna.

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I’ve seen it.

Yep…what a massive piece of shit that bloke is.

Laura Kuenssberg used to be the Jack Lusby of BBC. Given time, she will become the Liz Truss II.

Don’t get how the Tories are still on as much as 27%.

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@Klopptimist s still exist.

Polling constantly shows that the public are not in favour of the kind of extreme rightwing policies Braverman and others espouse. Yet she, and others like her, continue to peddle such nonsense.

Don’t they realise that becoming even more extreme will almost certainly lead the Tories to electoral obliteration?


Self-awareness isn’t their thing.

You say that as if the obliteration of the facist RWNJ Tory party is a bad thing?

Every effective democracy needs a credible opposition party. The Tories need to abandon the RWNJ lunacy and move back towards the centre.


Voting is often a case of choosing not who you want to win but who you absolutely want to lose. I despise this government a d what it’s done. If they stay in, it will be more of the same. But I’d prefer that tk Starmer. If Labour had a capable, engaging, forward thinking, dynamic and smart leader, I’d consider voting for them. Starmer would struggle to tick one of those boxes if he had a chunky crayon and a foot wide target. Trump got in mainly because more voters hated Hillary.

If we were still managed by Roy Hodson, would you sack him and appoint Fergie?

Which has been my main criticism of Labour for many years.

I am still firmly of the belief that if Reform get the kind of rightward shift of the Tory party that they want, they will stand down their candidates and campaign for the Tories. That might secure the Tories an addition 10% or so that they have lost to Reform.

On the other hand that would also vacate more of the centre ground to Labour, pushing more moderate Tory voters away.

So I tend to think whatever the Tory’s do, they are fucked.

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Which one though ? The one of Cameron , or May , or Johnson , or Truss , or Sunak , or all of them ? Thirteen years we’ve had of these clowns taking Britain to the absolute brink. When exactly did you decide they were no good ?