UK Politics Thread (Part 3)


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If Roy shagged the captain’s missus, protected sexual predators and paedophiles, stirred up racism, hatred and bigotry, broke international law, created a platform and openly encouraged fraud and corruption at the club, asset stripped the squad, systematically eliminated the medical department, lacked any form of morals and common human decency, and made every effort to turn Liverpool fans against eachother? Fuck yes I’m on board with Fergie. Any two of that list would have been enough.


As a matter of interest, were you a Liverpool fan in the late 80’s onwards? I’d rather see Boris and Mogg double team my mum than have Fergie here.

I thought that was always a fantasy of yours?

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Clapping Applause GIF

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Bravo, sir, bravo

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Horror No GIF by Aardman Animations

They are not taking it ! :smiley:

(if I were them, I would just try to keep radio silence for a few months tbh)


Not convinced you are completely honest, particularly with the “watching it while it happens” bit. Though i concede you might like those two a lot, lot better than me, so maybe you are honest :smiley:

Just forget I said something :smiley:

He’s a troll!

Guess they found their new ULEZ.

Aside from the fact that it is a world of bullshit for small for small cafes and restaurants, this is likely to make the provision of toilet facilities to women even worse. It’s quite possible that some establishments won’t even bother to provide toilets to the public.

Have you ever noticed that you never see a queue for the gents? The number of toilets for women is typically far worse than those for men. In small establishment this will probably come down to one ladies toilets and a great number of women sitting cross-legged or, as is the case now, nipping in to the gents rather than wetting themselves.

The number of public toilets in the UK has already dropped by around 15% over the last 5 years. Unisex toilet facilities are not the fucking problem.


It’s a completely manufactured issue.


It’s even worse than that. It is presented as “growing concerns about ‘privacy and dignity’” whereas the problem affecting many women is that they are having to plan their daily activities around where they can find an increasingly small number of public facilities. It also affects some men but, as I pointed out, they tend to be better catered for.


Doesn’t matter how many times you post this, doesn’t make it true.

Easy solution to this would be to keep a shovel near the back door.

If people need to go, then they can dig their own trench :rofl:

I can remember the Kop in the 1980s. No man ever queued for the toilets. But I always felt sorry for the mothers of the kids down at the front who had to wash out that smell afterwards!


The Aussie solution :roll_eyes:

I can remember using the outside dunny at Perth Observatory in Western Australia. I wasn’t so much bothered about the unisex nature of the toilet facilities and more by the enormous, huge, fuck-off spider, the size of my hand, that I saw on the ceiling when I sat down. It was probably just as well that I was sitting there as I absolutely shat myself!