UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

Sam Heughan Starz GIF by Men in Kilts: A Roadtrip with Sam and Graham

Tories getting their asses wiped and toilets.

My oh my how this thread evolves.

Down in the polls? Try a bit of sabre rattling. Works every time :roll_eyes:

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Poker is dangerous enough, don’t ever play it with somebody more deranged than than yourself. Literally just shoved on pocket 3’s.

It works for Russia every time though.

Recent example from today, with the brave German chancellor feeling the need to truly feed the trolls in the Kremlin and give them exactly the reaction they hope for, which is NATO-internal signs of fear. When the wolf smells a bleeding lamb (which Germany with this chancellor sadly metaphorically is), he will probably continue the hunt:

Ps. Everybody has said, many times, that the war must never go nuclear. It is politically disastrous to say this now in reaction to Russian bizarro threats of sinking the UK under water and bullshit nonsense such as that. They are having these large scale war mock exercise just hoping to get these reactions in the first place…

Of course it’s all bullshit posturing, but it’s very convenient for the UK government in their current predicament.

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True enough. But the UK has had a long scheduled trident test now (is it upcoming or has it just been recently, forgot in the moment), so when that happens later on, it will have honestly nothing to do with party politics.

I don’t think even the conservatives will act anything like close to Russians and beat any sort of drum, since it can lead to some what unpredictable consequences. I also don’t think it would help the Cons domestically in the UK climate. In Russia, it’s a Hyper-Nationalist climate with extreme fear mongering and propaganda posters everywhere with the slogan “Russia’s Borders End Nowhere!”, and I don’t think that’s the case in the UK.

But who knows :slight_smile: Uk cons are silly, so.

This government is like a gambling addict throwing more and more desperate bets just trying to break even.

Yet you would still vote for them because … Oh right Starmer lacks character and … Sunak is a barrel of laughs … or something.
Cameron was/is a sturdy one isn’t he?

The stairs to get out were like Niagara Falls !

Dishy Rishi to our mutual friend. I’d go with Fishy Rishi. The corrupt cunt wouldn’t be out of place in a banana republic.

Under Cameron’s leadership the Tory party had a series of meetings with Nagavara Ramarao Narayana Murthy, co-founder of Infosys and the father in law of Sunak. It’s widely assumed that a large donation to the party was agreed.

Then, out of nowhere, Rishi Sunak was gifted the uber safe Tory seat of Richmond. He had no previous links to the community, and hadn’t even been particularly active in the Tory party, other than doing some work experience at central office as a student. Upon winning the seat he was rapidly promoted via a succession of junior ministerial roles, and in 2019 - just five years after starting his political career - he became Cancellor of the Exchequer. Those infosys meetings had continued with Johnson, and a cosy relationship developed between number 10 and the company’s founders.

Through Sunak’s career, infosys have been rewarded with a huge number of government contracts, including fast lane access to public money during the pandemic.

And just to complete the fucking dreadful circle, when Sunak took office he brought back Cameron as foreign secretary and installed in the House of Lords.

He is an Prime Minister who’s father in law paid for his seat and political career, and his role in politics has been to facilitate the flow of public money to Infosys.

He is now clinging on like a fucking limpet, delaying the election the country has clearly said they want.

And there are still gaslit idiots who think Starmer is just as bad.


Rotten to the fucking core.


A good article by Justine Greening, addressing the problems of her own party:


I saw her interviewed alongside Mhairi Black a while ago, and it made me remember that you used to get decent Tory’s back in the day. You wouldn’t vote for them, but they weren’t the corrupt, horror show with have now.


:rofl: The disdain.


At least he’s more likely to be able to fill his car with petrol and pay for it than Rishi “Man of the People” Sunak.


WTF was that even supposed to be?

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I don’t see the problem? It doesn’t surprise me in the least that it is deliberate, and I don’t see anything wrong with a journalist discussing that (even with her track record).

It is what is Canadian politics is sometimes called the HOAG factor ‘Hell of a guy’, framing the ballot question as ‘who would you want to sit down with over a beer and discuss your family’s challenges’. Sunak isn’t winning that question very easily.


That was just cute. She is struggling to say anythign negative and in the end, the closest she comes is making fun of Miliband’s stone.


I mean, some other British politicians like a sensual pose better than looking a bit natural. Examples that come to mind are this and this: