UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

The Bacon Sarnie episode is an illustrative example of the impact client journalism has on the country.

It was one of the things thought to swing that election towards Cameron, cementing the idea in the minds of the electorate that Milliband was just a bit weird.

The photo itself was the product of the shithouse paparazzi trick of taking a several second burst of photos to get one in which the subject looks funny. Usually used to make celebs look pissed on a night out (ie take hundreds of photos in quick succession and find the one where they are halfway through blinking).

The irony is that later in the campaign David Cameron was pictured looking absolutely ridiculous eating a hot dog with a knife and fork, trying to be a man of the people and totally failing. And this wasnā€™t a trick photo either. Outside the left wing social media outlets it was completely ignored.


Otherwise you look like you are regurgitating an alien

I bet Cameron eats a packet of crisps with a knife and fork, the man is so wet!

I thought he was into porkā€¦

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ā€¦ arenā€™t they all as if pork is a British thing ā€¦ they really should travel Europe and Asia a bit more ā€¦

He also eats pork pies with a knife and fork btw.

P.S China eats so much pork even muslim countries produce it for them.

There were quite a few hit jobs against him. The antisemitic crap in the Mail against his family was probably the worst.

That was before targetted advertising started to take off. There are various campaigns against Starmer. The ā€œestablishment figureā€ one is aimed at left wingers. Iā€™ve also seen evidence of antisemitic tropes aimed against him as well (his wife and children are Jewish) which is aimed partly between the usual knuckle draggers and partly at people concerned about Gaza - particularly Muslim voters who may feel targeted by the far right.

Politics is an increasingly dirty business.

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see Piggateā€¦

Yes, that is precisely the problem I have. I remember when I first came across any work of hers, it was the 2017 elections, and it sounded at first like she was just one of those geeks who thrived on political coverage, so no matter what party she was covering she would be rather excited.


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Keep living the dream mate

Point us Kuennsburg is the BBCā€™s lead political correspondent and should be impartial. She clearly isnt and never has been.

On top of that sheā€™s some kind of Boris fan bot. Thatā€™s disturbing all on its own.

So the next question is did she get into that leading correspondent position because of good reporting work or political affiliations? Iā€™m inclined to believe the latter. She is basically a plant, as are the government installed heads of the BBC.


If youā€™re political lead, youā€™re going to have a leaning. Regardless of how impartial you pretend to be. As football fans, we know this. Who had her job before her? Off to google the political leads for the BBC for the past 50 years and their allegiancesā€¦ā€¦

I donā€™t think Iā€™ll ever understand that Bacon Sandwich episode. Struggled to understand it at the time, still donā€™t get it. Itā€™s just a person eating, no?
Confused Pop Tv GIF by Schitt's Creek

At the end of the day, she boned Boris Johnson.

In my book that warrants being fired into the sun by a giant cannon.


Disgusted Ew GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants

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Laura K slept with The Bozmeister?

Nat Elphic (Dover) to cross the floor, wow!

It is not just avoiding the ā€˜big clubā€™ affiliation, but everything that goes along with the big money game. Starmer looks like he might be the kind of guy who could sit in the stands in a National League South game and actually enjoy watching the match - which is exactly the point. Same with the ā€˜centrist Dadā€™ uniform.

Fifteen years ago, Harper in Canada was great with that. He would be at minor league hockey games looking like a boring dad watching the game, which got him sneered at - but it turns out there are way more minor league hockey dads on voting day than snide journalists.


Exactly. And exactly not the kind of person you could see discussing nuclear arms pacts with Putin. You canā€™t put it where itā€™s not as my Granny used to say.

Good at breaking news, crap at spelling. Thatā€™s me :rofl: