UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

USA and Germany supplies 95% of the arms to Israel. So, UK would make little difference.

Hate that argument so much, be it in relation to climate change or war


Cameron. Not content with FUBARing the UK, returns to assist some genocide in the middle east


Yes, but it would to the uk. There are billions in future contracts riding on keeping good faith - cheaper options are not likely in short supplyā€¦

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ULEZ failed, so I guess now theyā€™re trying a new front on the culture warsā€¦


Doesnā€™t even come into effect here for 2 more weeks.
Roads are marked, cameras are up

Kier ā€œI appreciate heā€™s been very busy fighting on the front line against lanyardsā€

Very good sir, very good.

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Or we could just let kids be kids? Weird concept I know.

Iā€™m talking about the culture war aspect. Didnā€™t win them the elections despite them throwing all they had into that.

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Cant do that.
They need to be given enough information to decide what gender they are

I donā€™t think they need information to do that.

Ah ok.
They introduced ULEZ to win votes, not help the environment?

No, Iā€™m talking about how they were campaigning against ULEZ.

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Right help me out here.
The Tories introduced ULEZ, then campaigned against it to try and win votes?

I thought it was Mayor Burnham? The council spent Ā£90k putting ā€œunder reviewā€ signs up under the newly installed infrastructure.

Hopefully the UK achieves a happy, and reasonable, middle ground. Here in America education is a real flashpoint in the culture wars. In many States splinter groups, and parent groups, seem to have way too much sway over professional educators, and things have become politicized and book banning is rife, and certain topics are taboo and so on.

I would hate for the UK to go far down that path, as it seems pretty extremist.

Equally, it is right for topics to be raised and discussed in an age appropriate way, and it is reasonable for parents to be aware of what is being taught (not to run the show, but to ensure a good partnership between school and home, as in their formative years thatā€™s the two places where kids will spend their time).

My memory of the UK is that generally speaking adults are running the show and reasonable conversations and solutions can be found, whereas since Iā€™ve lived in America education seems on a knife edge and various topics, and triggers, send people into battle mode, and people talk past each other and fight, while the poor kids are in the middle.


Thatā€™s pretty much it. They introduced it in the centre of London and then insisted that Khan extend it to the rest of London in exchange for extra funding.

They then campaigned against Khan for introducing the thing that they insisted Khan did because he was Muslim or something.

Edit - they actually lost votes.


Manā€¦Tories are so fucking stupidā€¦

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Speaks volumes about the opposition.