UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

It’s a fucking cesspit. I generally only go there these days if someone posts a link here.

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I cant comment on that and I’m honestly sorry to hear it, but do you think that all younger generation staff should be labelled the same based on your experience of 1 week in 1 hospital? Secondly, maybe the conditions they’re having to work in is a factor?

Just thoughts but I sympathise with your wife’s difficulties. You’ve been let down.


Another little anecdote which kind of answers your question ;

My Mum is 84. In November she was referred by a (private) optician to the NHS for urgent cataract surgery. Now , six months later , she is yet to receive any notification from the hospital.

I decided to ring the hospital myself , could only access an automated message and was told that if my enquiry was to do with where she was on the waiting list then they were unable to provide that information.

I got the number for the hospital online where I also noticed about six different private firms that were offering the same service from the same hospital using the same equipment … minus the long wait.

Others here probably know better , but to me this is what is commonly referred to as the creeping privatisation of the NHS and what it means , naturally , is that if you can afford it then you jump the queue.

I left the UK twelve years ago when I saw the writing on the wall with the Cameron / Osborne austerity scam. Never did I imagine that in such a short space of time that the one thing that Britons were most (rightfully) proud of could be reduced to something no longer fit for purpose and actually closer to a national disgrace.

To think that under Blair we eradicated child poverty , virtually got rid of waiting lists , and built new schools and hospitals the length of country , and that now these Tory twats have reversed all that and inflicted the disaster that is Brexit on the country doesn’t just make me sad , it makes me fucking angry.


I didn’t mean to imply that ALL of that age group should be tarred with the same brush, but its often an accurate indicator.
Blanket tarring is only acceptable if it’s oldies right?

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Generations definitely have a shared character. Of course there are outliers and people who don’t fit the pattern. Millennials do carry a ‘don’t give a fuck’ attitude. They are not going to rush for you. They aren’t going to go the extra mile. Everything is in their own good time. I find it quite refreshing for the most part. It makes me laugh - however, I would probably feel quite differently if I encountered it in the NHS rather than buying a coffee.


No worries i hope you can get things stable.

Yeah the young’uns gave some oddities I struggle to understand, and theres a good few prats among them but I also think there’s some good ones too.

Then I expect I was considered a dumb lunatic when I was younger too. I do however believe that if you treat people like shit at work be that through shit conditions, over stretched, poor pay etc, you’ll get very little from them in return.


^^^ Commie!

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Heard a few whispers this morning that an election “could” be called for the 4th July to be announced later today……


Apparently, a flurry of bets have been made that there will be an announcement. Of course they could a be following the same dubious “tip”.


Would have been priceless if dishi had have just said “yes” when asked about it by the guy from the SNP at PMQs. Like him, serious chap.

Sunak has said today that the election will be in the second half of the year. I don’t know if that’s what has prompted the speculation.

The tip I heard was 14 November. That’s something to do with when retiring MPs have been told their pension arrangements are kicking in.

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Oooooohhhhhh here we go :slight_smile:


Looking really likely to be Late June/Early July now. Cabinet meeting at 4pm.

Is Sunak looking at todays inflation figures and thinking Fuck it - it’s not getting any better than this?


It must be. Supposedly, the £10bn put aside for the blood scandal will mean there’s no room for further tax cuts, today’s inflation figures (which he’ll go on about, but everyday folks won’t feel any different), the increase in boat crossings over the summer months, it could well be he sees things as getting even worse, so no point in waiting any longer.

It might catch Reform off-guard, but not enough to make any difference IMO.


There is always room for further tax cuts…

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I think there’s no doubt that good financial news is very much as good as it’ll get. Hence throw the dice and pray.

Particularly in the run-up to an election.

I think the National debt is now up to £3trillion. Maybe they have literally stolen everything that they can?


Erm, the inflation figure being through the roof is EXACTLY what’s caused the cost of living crisis. This is everyday folks’ ground zero.

There is always a way to fudge the figures (especially if you dont expect to win :rofl:)