UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

And Rishi’s cabinet remains the bastion for honesty and integrity…

Unless there’s profit for the wife.

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Just pathetic

Responding to claims from supporters of Raab that some complainants were “snowflakes”, Penman told GB News: “I don’t know how you define a snowflake. Someone who can’t take criticism? Someone who blames everyone else for their mistakes? Someone who goes off in a huff? That’s how Dominic Raab has responded to the criticism levelled against him.”


I’m sure that makes the current government snowflakes.


And yet, at the same time, bullies.


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Oh look another knobhead in the government

Just watched a news item on this.
Haven’t read the report, but it appears it’s not simple as black & white here.

Not sure speaking to someone in an “abrasive tone” for displaying inefficiency or incompetence is actually bullying.

In my experience, bullies themselves oftne seem the most keen to label everyone else who doesn’t behave in a way that suits them as ‘bullying’.

You’ve just described Raab there. Remember where he was when Kabul fell?

This is a trait of this government. Always someone else’s fault for their incompetence. And they are incompetent.


I wasn’t defending his performance, just to be clear.
But in general, people are very easily offended these days.
Whether it can accurately be described as bullying is a very grey area.

Without knowing the context of what it was about, it’s difficult to comment. A minister is meant to set policy, not micromanage people.

It sounds like the rantings of an incompetent, impotent halfwit to me.


Because he’s a Tory, serving in a government which is not performing well, it’s assumed he’s massively guilty of bullying.
Chances are, he had a handful of incompetent idiots working for him, who didn’t like being told so.

So we have a government which is so right wing that it considers the UK civil service to be full of lefty snowflakes.


Civil servants work for whichever government is in power.
There is every possibility that “some” will let their own political leanings affect decisions they make at work

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I wouldn’t.

Raab said he would go if the report found him guilty of bullying. It did, so he had to go.

Sunak is piss weak. See Suella Braverman’s breaches of the ministerial code. He does what he is told by the right of the party.


When Labour politicians transgress they are immediately suspended. They don’t hang around hoping they can obfuscate an inquiry and stay in post.


The fact that he’s been completely AWOL for the last 24 hours is further proof, if any were needed, of that.


Yes, Dominic Raab definitely deserves the benefit of the doubt.

Oh No Eye Roll GIF by Aardman Animations

This is what every incompetent minister of every political persuasion says.

Civil servants will only push back if what they are being asked to do is illegal, impossible or plain stupid. The stupid category is only really to save face for ministers and they will carry out directives if the minister insists.

What is more likely is that you get a minister who has a vague grasp of what their brief is or what their policy is. I think most in the Civil Service would prefer someone with a sound grasp of what they are trying to achieve rather than a nice chap with a wishy-washy idea of what they are meant to be doing.

Remember that the Civil Service runs everything, but they don’t make policy.


Understood. No problem and I agree its difficult to gauge for certain from the outside.

Would I be correct in saying that accusations of bullying have only arisen with this government and it isn’t exclusive to Raab. Patel for example was also found to have bullied staff.

Is it snowflakes getting offended or people being criticised by poor managers trying to implement things that are impossible to deliver?

I know where my money lays. Remember this is a government that has failed to deliver anything worthwhile in 13 years unless you’re someone or organisation that is in a position to strip as much cash from the system as possible.