UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

It’s not going to though, The RW BS spreading around all nations is just going to continue.

Irrespective of the results of the result elections , Trends are Trends for a reason.

Regardless of trends, it is really important that this election is akin to a punishment beating. There needs to be a tangible sense of the country telling these cunts that we see through them and we want them thrown in the sea. You shouldn’t be able to destroy a country for personal financial gain, and suffer a ‘normal’ defeat.


for one term. The rot that’s set in isn’t going to disappear.

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The conservatives are only not in favour because they’ve tanked the economy. Not because of their other BS

The two do kind of go hand in hand.

The point is that the underlying mindset doesn’t change. The anti immigration shit and all.

Go ahead and prove me wrong.

Most elections are decided on the economy, or what people’s perception of it is.


Oh, look what turned out not to be a thing…

Maybe the police shouldn’t be conducting criminal investigations because Tory Minister ask them to?


Oh so we have a remarkable parallel you only 5 days ago argued profusely against. And we end up in the same place. Starmer is the only Statesmen on offer. Despite any concerns I might have. Altho, having been called a Tory, I have never voted Tory, (Ive voted labour twice for Blair in 97 and 2002) - I would not be content if they retained power. They’re so tainted I think they would think they had got away with it and carry on the debacle. But lets be clear, it was the Brexiteers who fcked this country up far and beyond anything else. This is still to be unravelled.


Same thing.

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Its only a matter of time for her. As basic as Ross Barkely is to football. Case in point, she exemplifies why people can have valid concerns about labour, how the fck is she a DPM she can hardly speak never mind write.

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How many PMs did the Tories have in the last few years - like 5? I guess if Starmer were to turn out as shit as people think, Labour would get a few more tries? (Probably not :man_shrugging:)


It was passing the baton to Gordon Brown that met me like smelling salts!

With my useless drink cheers today.

The problem isn’t Blair. The problem is the UK establishment being not ready to against US wishes.


Yes, it’s so much better if us working class people know our place and let the people who can talk properly run the show. :roll_eyes:

Its looking so but I hadnt established that when I withdrew my vote. He looks quite ‘dark’ now actually, like a man carrying a great weight of conscience. He wasnt anything special when he was Counsel. Im about to go on secondment in the north east so will be interesting to hear what his homeland think of him.

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Also the underlying mindset amongst the population against immigrants isn’t being changed just because labour do manage to win this election.

Once again, Im not making that point. Are you incapable of focus? Is it just gong to be deflection?

Raynor is not anywhere the level of aptitude required for Deputy Office. She wont last 6 months.

I’m pretty sure labour is going to come up with a Rwanda lite package.

Go ahead and prove me wrong later.