I shouldn’t have to elaborate. Look it up, if you don’t know.
I have no idea what it has to do with voting however the 6th June is related to D-Day and this year is the 80th anniversary.
Yeah sorry more nonsense there. My UK-politics-explaina-bot can’t make sense of your comment. The fact you are doubling down on it being obvious just makes it amusing.
I think it’s to do with D-Day.
It’s also voting day for the European Parliament elections which, for the first time, UK voters can’t participate in. It’s always worth remembering that for every individual who is prepared to risk their life to ensure you have civic rights, there is always someone who will try to take them away.
Thanks @RedWhippet that makes more sense to me! Still not sure why it would take the actual dawn of the day for this to motivate one to vote but I suppose at least he’s re-engaging with the process. Democracy dies through apathy.
Regarding Clacton, you got to watch this until the end
you couldn’t make this up.
What is wrong with us in the UK?
I’d actually like reporters to push back on people like this and get to what they actually think the problem is. “We’ve been pushed out” What does that even mean? Were they loaded on to cattle trucks and sent off to the seaside? I somehow doubt it.
“I can’t afford to live in East London”, is a definite problem. “There’s a housing shortage”, “I can’t access healthcare”, “there are no well paying jobs” are all legitimate concerns. But they have all been sold the fairy story that if they get rid of a section of society that their lives will improve. It just doesn’t work like that.
Exactly, Farage, Tice and Banks all know how to play people like him and they are believing him. Farage has no intention of serving the peope of Clacton.
That’s ruined my day, I am wheelly wheely confused now!
There’s no way such a confused country can move forward imo.
I think the problem is education so many of us just don’t understand anything anymore, did ‘we’ ever?
He may have some legitimate concerns along the lines of what you are saying. But obviously he isn’t making a good case, and comes across as racist. The likes of Farage exploit that adeptly.
Normal, economically speaking, people cannot afford to live in fancy London?
Normal “hard-working” English people can’t afford to live there but immigrants who sit around just sponging off the state can.
Makes perfect sense to me.
I went through passport control at Amsterdam airport on Sunday. All us British passport holders were dutifully lining up for the predicted 20 to 30 minute queue to have our documents checked.
Well, apart from me. Waved through in 30 seconds. German residency cards are fucking brilliant!
We’re as bad at stopping the small boats crossing the channel as the Germans were
Don’t you have a German passport RW?
I think I could apply for one now. I’d have to find out if they make special arrangements for the language test if you are deaf.
Its a fucking minefield these days.
Slightest slip of the tongue and someone is ready to pounce in labelling you a racist/misogynist/homophobe/anti semite etc etc etc.
Only 30 minutes ago I went to the radio room at my new place of work.
Asked if the place was manned 24 hours as i wanted the phone number for incoming calls.
Was quickly informed it would be fucking womanned for the next 12 hours