UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

I had an email through today from the Equality Network, who promote LGBT equality and human rights in Scotland.

They were giving advice to transgender people on voter ID, and it just underlined what a rotten, ill considered piece of legislation that is.

I know we have discussed on here before that it does nothing to improve election integrity but this just highlights how a section of society can be discriminated against and made to feel uncomfortable simply by exercising what should be a basic civic right.

I hadn’t really considered this before, but it does make me wonder how many other people could be discriminated this way. Even down to the level of someone who has recently had an operation or cancer treatment which would likely cause a significant change in appearance, and one which they may already be distressed about.


Makes me giddy to think this is happening right now up and down the country.

And lol at the comment. They’ve taken everything for granted for so long, ‘maybe’ is probably accurate.


And also…

‘How civic and joyous’?

The brass neck on these cunts…


That’s a dog shit pie in the face in my book!

I suspect he didn’t follow through on his threat once the camera was gone. That Tory gets to ‘conserve’ his personage for another day…

A man who makes every decision based on the perceived politics of it yet has the political instincts of a rock

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Be kind now

To the rocks of the world.

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Which makes it all the more baffling that he went with a presidential style campaign with the focus on himself - particularly as his polling is so poor.

Au Tom A Ton

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Is that French for, “Hurry up, gotta plane to catch”?


Where next for Rishi after he loses the General Election by a very large margin?

Maybe he will tuck his tail and bugger off back to Santa Monica to live a hedge fund lifestyle in the sunshine? Poor bugger.

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Is anyone watching tonight’s 7-party debate on the BBC?

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This is brilliant. You won’t hear this truth from Starmer as he tries to out hardman the Tories




No you won’t, because that’s not where the national mood is. It’s easy for activists to take a principled stand like this, but for politicians who need to win elections, it’s a lot harder, especially when you have so much propaganda against you.


Plot twist is that @Klopptimist is that interesting gent from Clacton.

On the face of it they do share very similar thought processes.

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The SNP are trying to win an election. And that’s exactly my point. Starmer could easily speak the truth about migration, show some integrity, and bring people with him. But instead he’s chosen to grovel to Farage and the tabloid press hence bringing the ‘national mood’ further into division and hate

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The question is whether you believe that the Scottish electorate differ meaningfully from the wider UK electorate. I think the SNP believe that there is a sufficient distance that they can make the case. However, in order for Labour to win power, they cannot afford to alienate the English voters who would be their path to power. It’s as simple as that.

I think the case should be made, but it’s also quite hard for a Labour leader to make that case without being attacked from the tabloids. Like it or not, the tabloids are still rather influential, so unless they change their tune, it’s quite hard to change this.

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