UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

The tories have a traditional labour attack line that is labour will have open borders. There is sadly a large proprtion of the electorate that want immigration stopped thanks to Farage.

Its been weaponised to such an extent labour cant go there. Meanwhile under the tories open borders is exactly what we’ve got.


The Tories are letting migrants in. They are just allowing their passage to be controlled by human trafficker scum, and then getting taxpayers to pay for indefinitely detaining them, while then using their presence in the country as a scapegoat for a variety of other problems they have nothing to do with.


This is how i see it. I would have much preferred Starmer to be more positive on immigration but we are where we are in part because of Lexit.

Starmers plan since then has been to shut down avenues of attack on the party and narrow those areas where Conservatives can pull strength from, while trying to shore up/ regain those traditionally left areas that have moved away from Labour.

He is probably concious of his background as a supporter of remain and wants to avoid reopening that can of worms.

Also, by arguing for more immigration because of labour shortages, does that then weaken Labour attacks on government’s handling of economy?


Bugger me

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I know another one who went to Oxford!
This place needs a serious clean up!


Its his involvement in the 2008 crash i wasnt aware of. They’ve literally lived off that for 14 years while they were really in the very middle of it.

If i were Starmer I’d be making sure these people and their ilk have no way back into politics and I’d be after their money, big time.

More here.

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Yes that too!.
Still so much of what we have seen these last 14 years stems from Oxford University.
There’s evidently a real problem with journalism, we see this in the USA, UK …
How is it the likes of Trump, Johnson, Truss, Sunak have such an easy ride?
Honestly I have no words. I mean we have had some numpkins in the past but this is really twisted perverted shit!


Yah. PPE at Oxford is lethal.

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Labour can go there. They can set out a case for proper processing of immigrants. Use the Rwanda money for that. Would cut the numbers and allow those that benefit society, and those fleeing war and persecution, to stay.

But instead Starmer is writing for the s*n trying to out-Tory the Tories. I find it hard to believe that Liverpool fans can support this


Haven’t they already proposed this? I’m pretty sure they’ve been quite insistent from the start that part of their solution is to make sure that the relevant agencies are properly staffed in order to actually process immigrants and then promptly deport whoever isn’t eligible for asylum.


Aren’t the SNP projecting to lose somewhere between 14 and 34 of their 48 seats?

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Yeah and it wouldnt surprise me if thats what they will do but immigration is far bigger than the dinghy problem. It needs addressing top to bottom but in a manner that also supports the UK’s needs. Imo, proper systems etc. need to be introduced, systems that should have been put in place before we left the EU.

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Except he isn’t is he. Since when has fully funding the immigration system to provide it with additional case workers remotely like making more public sector cuts and packing people off to Rwanda whether or not they are genuine asylum seekers?

The real problem with Starmer’s public position on immigration right now is that it down plays the reliance the UK economy has on overseas workers as we have very low unemployment, with little scope for filling the vacancies domestically, and the value that people coming here add (both culturally and economically). If he is to deliver on the five missions then higher immigration is most likely going to be needed - and if he wins the election that will be easier to promote if it goes hand in hand with the sorts of pay and skills changes he is promising.



Immigration is too high is it KS? Now do you believe that or are you just after the mindset that you perceive is the standard tory voter? Well, let’s see it drop day one.

Because it’s that easy.

Jesus wept.


Why would people believe that Labour would have a radically different stance to immigration than the Tories ?

The level of immigration to the UK is unprecedented and unsustainable going on forward.

The labour could handle the process better , anyone could.

Oh yes, the first day they’re in power I demand social hamony, zero unemployment, 0% inflation and interest rates and free champagne for everybody. Obviously, I have high standards. Otherwise he needs sacking and replacing with Mourinho.


The Tories have had fourteen years in which to deliver the above.

The fact that they haven’t is obviously all Corbyn’s fault.


Lefty snowflake, probably a commie.