UK Politics Thread (Part 3)


Can’t use an apache attack helicopter for obvious reasons but surely a non site threatening bow and arrow would have been appropriate?


Stonehenge has/had nothing to do with oil, though they did cut down some trees.

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There is a (conspiracy) theory going around that Just Stop Oil is an AstroTurf organisation set up by oil companies to discredit the environmental movement.


Bloody hell. That is such a massive stretch.
when you get a cramp while running

PS. I know it’s not you that came up with that insane theory :wink:


Dianne Abbot will be the next Dr Who, having ÂŁ5 on that.

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Firstly how did that video of my morning run make it on to internet?

Secondly, considering i read this morning that China and Russia played a huge part in the spreading of Covid vaccination conspiracy theories and the US then did the same with Chinese based vaccines in the Philippines this is pretty small beer.

Reported in the Guardian if anyone wants to check my source.


I blame @ISMF . He seems to be the tech guy around here, so its probably him :rofl:


Thats me behind the green dildo…

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They are most definitely not that. They are just a bunch who are smart enough to understand that we are in a terrible mess if we don’t stop using oil very quickly, but not smart enough to understand that their tactics are just pissing people off.

I think there is a role for direct action, but destroying things people enjoy and love is not a sensible thing to do.



What a bloody lovely lot we humans are. Sharing the same planet but defined by some stupid fucking arbitrary borders.

I’ll say it again: fuck nationality*

*Except when cricket is on


What do you know. This is the most effective way. Now they are closer to saving the earth and getting millions more on their side. What great heroes. They should win the Nobel prize.

Is that your favourite stripper’s name?

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2nd torie being investigated over betting on the election date. We really can’t get rid of these corrupt fuckers quick enough.


Can we just have the election tomorrow?


but changing the dates without their prior knowledge will fuck up their money making scam.

Surely you can’t be so cold as to want to fuck up their last chance to rort the uk one last time with some scam? :wink:

Hearing that they’ve painted Taylor Swift’s private jet now.

Still a criminal act but at least you can connect the dots with it. Stone Henge is a bit of an oddity other than it being a well known traffic hot spot.


Well there is, at least, a bit of logic there. I wonder why they never target oil execs or their offices?


How do you know some of them don’t?
Tonnes of stuff never makes the news, we just see the ‘tip’ of the iceberg. Stuff that catches the attention yet has little or no importance.

I notice these people have all been tarred with the same brush, as always, and are referred as ‘they’. As if we haven’t anything in common yet we should have a little in common with them as we should all be wishing for a ‘cleaner’ world.
They are ‘stop oil protesters’ and they are not all the same.
Just a reflection that isn’t directed at you RedWhippet.
I still haven’t a clue who Taylor Swift is. :rofl: